

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Concept Of School Seem So Secure, But Is It Really?

As a kid nobody likes school, We itch for summer recess, winter time, we pray everyday for snow days, and will use almost any excuse to stay home every now and then. Of course this isn't true for all, but I think it is safe to say for most. If you like me, at one time it was this way until late high school and college. As a young student say pre-high school, I absolutely hated school, but it got better and better as I got older and climbed up the ranks in high school and even into college. So what do we go to school for? Most would say we go so that we can make good money. Yes that is true, but not always the case, I only went to college cause in order to be a fireman now you have to. If this was 20 years ago, when college wasn't a requirement, I wouldn't have went. They make college out to believe that it will help you. Longer term it will, but most cases your going to go through hell before the effects of college is good. The biggest effect that college has on most people that go, as we know is the amount of debt it puts you in, unless of course your fortunate enough to come from a wealthy family, be a talented athlete or academic star and earned a Scholarship, which let's face it most of us is not. They want you to believe that your debt is short term, they say after all once you graduate you will be making this salary, and able to pay off your loans in this small amount of time. What they fell to tell you is that, in most field your chances of finding a job out of college is slim to none for who knows how long, oh yeah and right after graduation, you first payment on the loan is due in 6 months. Everybody want to say "go to school", "get a degree", and want to use the fact that they go to school, and the fact that they have a degree to make it seem as if they're better than the person who don't go to school or have a degree. Truth of the matter is it don't make you better, not at all. What it do is make you an asshole, a jerk to use that as power and advantage to be better than somebody, school don't make you a successful person, there is somebody out there that don't have the same schooling in the field your in that's better than you at what you do I'm willing to bet on that. College is designed to put young adults in debt, just as many people who successfully went to college and now is successful in their field, you can find even more people who went to college and didn't find their purpose, didn't find their calling. If school was so important, and a need for all people, why do it cost so much? Why do you only get aid depending on the amount of money you make? Why is it that some of the most successful people have no college background, hell some dropped out of high school, and why is it that there are so many people out here with degrees in one field but working in another? Most of the CEO's and founders you work for after graduations don't even have college degree, they just took personal initiative and delayed gratification and invested time, energy and money into making they own business, then working you like a slave to keep it running. College may prepare and give you the knowledge to work in a field, but seriously do it teaches you anything about real life and living life? Life is so much more than work, everybody don't understand this, and the people who don't are what we call workaholics, education is just an abstraction. It doesn't help you learn how to do things like pay for health insurance, invest in real estate, have successful relationships or lead a life of adventure. I support anybody that wants to go to college and get a degree, hell I'm still in college and plan to be there for a few more years, what upsets me and pisses me off is the fact people use it as if it makes them better than the next person or go for many of the wrong reasons. College don't make me, and I pray to God it don't make you, everybody want to be able to put 'BA', and 'PhD' after their names, to make it look fancy, you put your pants on same way I put mine on, we're all made the same and you look foolish throwing your educational background in the next person face. Is it worth it? Is it worth thousands and thousands of dollar, just to be able to say " I have this degree, I have that degree." College is a industry, education is a industry, it not there to help you, them folks running it don't care about you, and giving you knowledge, all they want is the check, tell a professor they not getting paid today, or a advisor, they advice is free of charge, see how fast they be out the door. What's really sad is some people go to college just to be able to say it, some people go to college and bounce around for years, major to major not knowing what they want to do, just knowing that everybody told them to go to college, so it the right thing to do, the only option.The truth about college is this. Don't expect it to change anything that isn't already there. Education can all too often give one a superiority complex, while people of street smarts or business sense are already out making good salaries and taking in high incomes. Don't be a college drifter. If you do then be prepared to flop around your first couple years after college not knowing what the fuck you should do now. The value of a degree is extremely overrated in my opinion. What does it get you? A matrix type job working for a mega corporation as someone Else's employee, as someone else's business leverage. You'll wind up
sweating it hard to make someone else rich and free and they will be the ones calling the shoots and taking all the credit. I have to end by saying, it is never my intentions to discourage any high school senior headed to college, or any person, anywhere thinking about going to college, all I'm saying is college don't make people, it won't make you better, it won't bring peace to your life, and it won't even teach you how to handle a third of things you going go through in life. You don't need teachers, money, or high powered traditions to learn, you just need a group of people with a will and desire to better themselves.

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