

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Blame Game

Just observing the world in which we live in on a random day you usually don't have to look far to find someone blaming someone else for all things wrong in the world. Covid-19 it's these people fault, the spread is the fault of people not wearing mask, or the unvaccinated. Global warming it's the fault of the big industry wigs, no no it the fault of the nasty ass citizens who don't recycle plastics. Like how in the hell, lil ole me and you start or can stop global warming, it's GLOBAL for a reason. I can go on and on about the millions of offensives that we're trying to find something or someone to blame it on, but that's not why I'm with you today. 

Seeing all the blame being pointed in every which direction, I observed and tried to find the commonalities of humanity and our obsession with blaming and shaming folks. I even dug within and use my life, and relationships as a comparison to my hypothesis of WHY we must blame. 

Blame is simply the discharging of pain and discomfort. Observe someone next time you're being blamed for something. ( it WILL happen no worries) We blame when we’re uncomfortable and experience pain, when we’re vulnerable, angry, hurt, in shame, and grieving. 'What took 911 so long to get big mama to the hospital?'

There’s nothing productive about blame, and it often involves shaming someone or just being mean and cruel. 

And Cruelty is cheap, easy, and chickenshit.

Accountability though, now that takes work, 'like why is big mama over 300 pounds and not doing the preventive care of herself' (newsflash that's the American way)

Okay that was cruel and mean, dammit! I'm sorry 😔.  

Where was I? Oh yeah Accountability! Accountability and its were we humans are lacking. 

Understand however, that's it's a requirement for growth and change. You get neither one of those things point your finger to blame.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021


Did you know 2 in 5 women suffer the fear of remaining unmarried or being married to the wrong person, otherwise known as Anuptaphobia....

I don't know who to credit for that study, hell if I did the same with the women I know, I'll say 4 in 5 women suffer from Anuptaphobia. See women don't rush or jump into marriage (not saying they don't get married for the wrong reasons) that's men dumb ass who do that.

Hey f#ck it, Life is all about risk and taking chances, ladies if you believe in being married, take the leap, f*ck it, get married, stop over thinking.... Na don't do that s#!+. Ironically I don't know if that's good advice or not, I for sure wouldn't tell no woman I love that.

Friday, January 1, 2021

The Only New Years Resolution You Need To Make in '21

First and foremost Happy New Years to all and to all a happy new year. Man I don't think I need to run off all that was wrong with 2020, because lord knows we all have a laundry list of things that was wrong for 80% of last year. 

Yes Johnny, we all are wondering What the furry burning hell!?

I think the biggest wrong in '20 was the fact that I was in bed last night leading up to the calendar flip, who in the hell does that and again Johnny, what type of world are we living in!?! That's my 20's talking, sorry (above and below is pic of how I typically bring in the new year). My 30's however has given me a new way of taking a pissy and shitty experience (which was '20 for most of us) and at least being able to spell my name with it. (the piss not the shit) 
A more normal new years celebration friends, overly dressed women and liquor, LOTS OF IT!

30's me first thought this morning waking up in '21 was as follow;

With the right perspective it was So much to learn from '20, on all levels. Mostly for me was GRATITUDE AND GRACE! March 11(ironically my little brothers birthday) I remember what I was doing  and where I was at (It was a Wednesday night, I was definitely at Brother's bar and grill alone enjoying 40 cent wing night, as I do every Wednesday for like the last 2 years) when they cancelled the NBA game I was watching, 5 min before tip off THAT HAS NEVER HAPPENED, I then knew we had a big problem! Then a couple days later on Friday the 13th kids in school was told to prepare not to come back on monday, Monday most schools closed! (and the shithead kids, instead of seeing a crisis they thought finally the world they dream of was upon us.) 

Our lives changed in a blink of an eye, and all the freedoms we enjoy (going out, being able to dine in a restaurant, travel, watch and go to sporting events, shop) was taking away in a snap.

As that old adage goes, "you never know what you have til it's gone" 2020 was case and point of that! So here in 2021, my resolution, which I never make (cause 9 times out of 10 we fail at conquering em, and failure while teaching us a lesson, just feel horrible! Lol) 2021 my resolution is just to stay in the moment, every moment be conscious of my existence and give thanks for it. Give thanks all the time for all that is, rather good or bad, appreciate what you have and even what you don't! There we're people in '20 who had problems some of you , including myself, didn't have like not being able to work. 

2021, as things get back to a sense of normalcy, as they will no mater the timeline, one thing I do wanna carry over from '20 is the lessons and perspective it gave me, so I can constantly be reminded to live '21 and beyond with a great amount of

 And I hope you do too!