

Sunday, June 25, 2017


One of the best things about having an interest and an enjoyment in behavioral psychology is that there's always work to do and an abundance of learning material out there. It is one of very few fields of study where your always learning and working just from the simple act of human relations. Through all walks of life,  we communicate with people 24/7, especially with phones and technology of that. Without plan, I talk to people and some post just write themselves through the conversation.

I cringe every time someone says, that somebody else is "too good", and "too perfect". Only If you knew, not what you just said out your mouth, but what I just heard out your being, and your spirit. One of my life goals is to get people, women in particular, to understand when a man talks down to you,  tell you all that crap about how your not worth this,  you not worth that, all that demeaning, derogatory stuff,  they're really just talking to themselves using you as a mirror. "I feel so unworthy myself,  that I'm gone inflict all this on you and your soul so I'm not alone."

I understand where it comes from, the insecurities, and investing your self more into someone then you even invest in yourself,  what I would love to figure out is how and at what point do people get to that point Where another human being,  as imperfect as we all our can tell you your worth and hold power over you even after the relationship. Like where is the fear instilled In a heart that stop people from moving on and willing to run the risk of missing out on "too perfect" or "too good". I guess that's where I differ, The risk of missing out on better, and being stuck in a rut with that type of person would scare me shit-less. It like being held captive, and being a prisoner to someone who, only speak of your unworthiness, because it to Painful to face the fact that they're really speaking to themselves.  I wonder if people realize you can only move and grow as they do  when someone holds that power over you. Your no longer even an individual person,  what if we took the rights and all the freedoms of being an individual away from people who failed victim to this? I don't know,  what I do know is this is  by  far one of the most unattractive things placed upon the soul.