

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Hey there, Dunn here. I'm Starting A New Book.

So it's not always that I get a new book requested to read. Usually any book that get stored in my queue come from a book I was in the process of reading already. Personal request are always much better, it something about when someone you personally know, and that knows you on one level or another spark a new and pleasant opportunity to read something that may strike your interest. For the longest time I have been trying to find a clever way to keep you guys updated on my journey of learning with me through literature. The reality of our current time is, lets be honest, nobody reads anymore. I mean look around libraries are rarely used anymore, and every Barnes and Noble on every corner across this country is shutting down and going out of business. One would think it simply because of the multiple ways we can  digitally consume our literature, but I'll be the first to tell you its not even that, people simply don't read the way they used too.  Hell many people in todays world can't even sit still, and alone with themselves long enough to read their own inner thoughts let along a book, but that's a different topic for a different day that I may write about, or not. Rather it be digital, audio books, or hard copies, we all have one million things we feel we have to do in a 24 hour day, that reading just never make the list of the million. Any who I'm still one the weirdos that still read, and read often digitally might I add.

I had a friend ask me today what my love language is. I didn't have an answer off the top of my head. I happen to be somewhat familiar with the love languages though through just other readings and learning I've done in my lifetime. If your not familiar with them, simple put for you non reading beings the universal 5 love languages are as follow; 

  • Words of Affirmation
  • Acts of Service
  • Receiving Gifts
  • Quality Time
  • Physical Touch
When asked that question, It can be hard to answer because if you think about it, we can all relate to all of them. We identify with them all on one level or another and it's usually giving the current state of mind and the current situation we are in whenever the conversation, or in the case, whenever the question is posed to us. There are a multitude of quiz and activities you can do on the internet that will tell you what yours is, because of course the internet knows our mines better than we do ourselves, duh.

 Well I didn't take any of those quizzes, or do any of those activities to in order to allow master internet to tell me what mine is. I be honest I started a quiz but they we're asking too many question that seem repetitive, so much so that I got to the point where I was just clicking anything to see if the damn thing ever ended and of course it didn't. My A.D.D kicked into the highest gear and before you knew it, I was on to doing.... Hell I don't even know what I start doing but surprise surprise right.

I however came up with a better Idea, I pulled my kindle out search the 5 love languages and pops up this thing in ancient time they called a book that was titled, what'd you know The 5 Love Languages; The Secret To Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman 

So I hit download and now I have a new book that I'm going to indulge my brain into and instead one of those dumbass, never ending quizzes I'm going to learn my love language and find a love that last.

Because I know people don't read, although if your reading this, of course you read and I appreciate you reading this and making me feel like me sitting here with a aching back typing, is all worth it. No worries you get a gift for controlling your A.D.D and being a mental warrior, that gift is ironically not having to read the very book I'm fixing to read. There are so many oxymoron's going right now, my mind can't handle it.

Somehow someway that I haven't quite figure out yet, I'm going to read this book and take these 206 pages and kind of summarize it for you. I don't know if I'm do it chapter by chapter, maybe divide the chapters up, maybe do a summary on each love language, who knows, but I just told I didn't so bear with me. You must stay tune, but looking on the bright side this is going to be the gift that keeps on giving. I haven't even got to page 1 and already you got the gift of not paying $14.99, not having to read one page of the book itself, I have lighting the load of the battle you have, sitting with yourself (your A.D.D will thank me later), and ultimately maybe you too will learn your love language(if you trust my ability's to summarize). All those gifts, see I'm a servant and a very nice guy. Hey that's two of the love languages already checked off, are you keeping up? 

So strap it on, no lets go with strap in, check back every now and again, or just subscribe to this awesome blog and you will get an email alert when I post. 

Ready? Set? Lets get all mushy and sensitive, get in our feels a lil bit and learn about LOVE. Let's be honest the worlds needs it. I'll type to you soon

*Stay In Peace, NOT in Pieces*

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