

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Integrity: A Charateristic That Most Lack and Scared Of.

Like many words, The word integrity comes with multiple meanings, but when you sum it up, in my opinion it comes to the same baseline meaning. meaning of the word integrity is, adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honest. To break this term down, and how it always been simplified to me, integrity is having the ability to do the right thing when no one is looking. How easy is it to do what's right when you know somebody is watching? You wouldn't break a rule right in front your boss, you wouldn't stare at an attractive person, while your with your significant other, you wouldn't traffic drugs right in front of the police. How many of us will act the same regardless rather the police, or boss or significant other was there or not? Integrity is one of them words that carries so much power, but is so challenging to us, that most people don't even know the word exist. My reason for being here is to speak upon this and hopefully spark some minds, and install a little will in people to live their everyday life with a little more integrity. It a challenge for everybody, cause that what the word integrity does to us, it challenges us to do the right thing, even though the right thing may not always be beneficial to us at the very moment. There are many times, even daily, dilemmas come by and test our character and are integrirty. How often do you do the right thing or how do you even know when them moments come about? See integrity run neck and neck with words like trust, honesty, loyalty, and all the other strong, powerful words we hear or see daily, oftenly misused. When your manager misguided you, or lie to you about the amount of workload you have to get done, not because it of an important to the company, but of importants for him/her to meet quota. Or how about when I cop pulls you over because you was 5 over the speed limit, or cause your 'tint was too dark' not because he usually do that or specialize in that area of the department, but because the end of the moment is quickly approaching and he not on pace to meet the required amount of tickets. You’ve been really struggling in a class you need to pass to graduate. You studied hard for the final, but still aren’t feeling confident about it. Your friend took the test earlier in the day and offers to tell you exactly what was on it. Should you let him?  Something more realitive to the general public, when a cashier gives you too much change back, do you keep the extra or take it back? When your sandwhich has mayo on it, and you clearly didn't ask for mayo, after realizing it do you eat 2/3 of it then take it back and get another or send it back immediately? When meeting a new man/women do tell them upfront your not availiable or do you wait to see what you can get out of the them rather it be money, dinners, or sex before dropping the info on them? All these thing are moments when our integrity is put to the test and sadly most of the time people fail awfully when challenged.  If it one thing I try to live by, or one moral Characteristics that of the utmost importants to me, it's Integrity. I've got so good at it, that I can spot out moments when my integrity is tested, sense it, and remember what I stand for, then make my decision in seconds. Don't get me wrong their was a time in my life where I didn't do the right thing, hell I'm not perfect I still to this day don't make the right decision, but I never knowingly go against my integrity. Sometimes doing the things that I mention above, the wrong way, may not cause pain or hurt anybody, it may, crazy enough, even finds you success. How often do we see or hear of people brown nosing, a.k.a kissing ass, to get that promotion, or get that edge over a co worker at work. What about relationship where one person is clearly mistreated, taking advantage of, and unappreciated but continue to accept it just for the fear of being alone. Some people will go against their beliefs to hold on to things and gain success. The most common test of integrity of all to me is when people go into interviews and say what they know employers want to hear, not because they want or like the job but because the bills are getting behind? I know what you thinking..... Sometimes you have to work any job to get the bills paid.... and your right about that, but it still a test and a fail to the integrity of a person. You can use dishonesty to gain gratification in the moment, but it just that, for a moment, it not something that will or can ever last, because it's not genuine. There are many example of people out there that are succesful without integritiy that just never seem to get caught, I'm sure we all could name a few. All that do is create a false perception and blueprint for others to follow to get to success. The thing that people never realize as their climbing that letter to success and finding their way up, their also losing their ability to be trusted as a person of integrity, which is the most valuable quality anyone can have in their life. Success, money power, etc all that stuff is temporary, but the profit in a network of people who trust you as a person of integrity is forever, which is more important to you? That becomes the real question. That's one of the sweetest things about that word integrity, it challenges you, yourself. It makes you face questions of character of yourself, self-respect and self moral. You can always come up with justifications that seemingly make good sense and let you sleep better at night. But at the end of the day, there’s nothing more valuable than your good name and the ability to look at yourself in the mirror each day with a clear conscience, integrity challenges you to do that each day. Integrity is a lot like trust, in the sense it hard to gain but can be lost in seconds. To be a person of integrity is to be a person of trust, I think part the reason our world is so fucked up and jacked up in every which way you name is because we lack people of integrity.  Warren Buffet, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway said it best:, “In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first one, the other two will kill you.” A person’s dishonesty will eventually catch up to them. It may not be today, and it may not be for many years, but you can rest assured that at some point there will always be a reckoning. To be a person of integrity you have to surround your self with people of integrity, though them type of people is hard to come about now days, which is why I probably don't have any friends ha ha. You are the company you keep, and if your not, you certainly will be judge based on the company you keep. There's a saying that  goes “Do what is right, let the consequence follow.” It serves as a daily reminder that success will indeed come and go, but integrity is forever. What does integrity mean to you? I challenge you, if you reading this to practice gaining and building your integrity. It as simple as knowing right from wrong and choosing to do what's right.

John G. Dunn II

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