

Monday, August 29, 2016

Colin Has A Right To An Opinion Like You. Deal With It.

I have many fire brother and sister and military personnel who don't understand, Newsflash many of you want cause it's a BLACK thing. YES I SAID IT! Colin has a right to an opinion just like you, and if you don't like how he did it DEAL WITH IT! Everybody say he shouldn't did it like that,  Last I remember the point in protest was to get attention brought about to a situation. What blows my mind most is those of you who never been in any of these fields, may have a sibling or family member in the service, don't count for your opinion, YOU REALLY don't get it, and don't even have a valid right to an opinion, any more than Colin do. 

See for me,  I work in a industry that is dominated by whites, especially where I'm located. It also happens to be an industry that funded by government and valued or admired by this country, it's full of ex service men and women, and vets. There can be 101 arguments about why blacks are few and far between when it come to being firefighters, and I personal know people, employee and not that has valid points and reasoning that says our industry is designed to keep blacks scarcit. These are arguments and conversation nobody wants to have, even in this industry. The reason people don't want to have hard conversation, is because they usually fear the outcome, they fear being wrong, and most people hate change, especially if the system, or the way things are being done, doesn't negatively effect them. Bring us back to the Colin situation, As I can relate best I'll tell you this,  Try being 1 black of 90 fire cadets in your class!!! The shit I heard and been tease with, you don't want to know the half! Could you fathom the uncomfortability of looking around you everyday for 2 years and seeing no one that looks like you? It take a lot of tough skin and tolerating offensive jokes and gestures. 

Allow me to shut down the notion that Colin was being bashful or "disrespectful" to military personnel, in fact don't let me speak for Colin, he can do it;
“I have great respect for men and women that have fought for this country. I have family, I have friends, who have gone and fought for this country. And they fight for freedom. They fight for the people — they fight for liberty and justice … for everyone. And that’s not happening. I mean people are dying in vain because this country isn’t holding their end of the bargain up, as far as giving freedom and liberty and justice to everybody.” -Colin Kaepernick

As you  can see, Colin protest efforts was never to disrespect man and women of our military. People 
 want to make it like it was, just to cover up the whole reasoning for why he really did it! Do we see the pathology here? We keep trying to cover up the real issue. One could easily argue that it more wrong to use the spirits and efforts of past and present military personnel to cover up injustice and wrong doing of police, and the justice system in this country.

"So, what he did and doing ain't changing anything" is what many people say in response; Listen no one man or woman on this earth have the power to change a situation that was taught and molded in the hearts, souls, and beings of the people of America. What one man and woman do have is the power of their love and support, and for empathetic and compassionate beings, that's a strong power. He used his platform to express love and support, for the very people who don't have the platform or the power to make this country buzz. I'm here writing about, your reading and talking about, it on every sports channel and even national news. I have to be honest, I'm felling a helluva lot more powerful and supported today, little ole me, because of Colin.

 I'll end with this, At this time, We must have the conversation, that as an African Americans in this country, you are not safe from the people who are entrusted to protect you, YOU'RE SIMPLY NOT. As scary and ugly as it is, as a people ALL people, we must acknowledge AND accept that truth and 
stop letting the scared, and unwilling acknowledgers tell you that what you see in front of your eyes 
time and time again, ain't reality, when it is! We have to be honest, before change will come.

I support you, Colin Kaepernick. I acknowledge and admire your fight, your stance, the courage and bravado to stand, take a stand and having the ball speak out about what you stand for and believe in. It is not easy having a DIFFERENT opinion or an unpopular one, there will always be push back, and  in this life whatever you do, you'll always piss somebody off, it just part of the process. You better get comfortable with roughing folks feathers keep on keeping on, Stay in peace NOT in pieces!