There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Is Your Girlfriend a Keeper?
*She's a Good Cook>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Show me a woman who can't cook, and you have found a woman that I will not marry Lol. Ladies consider this a warning, must of us man have no skills in the kitchen and all fast food gets old, so if you wondering why he won't commit or purpose, don't overlook your skills over the stove.
*She Finds You Amusing>>>>>>>>
If the girl you are dating does not find you amusing, you are in trouble, because she's only going to find you less amusing over time. If she thinks your jokes are racist, sexist or any other 'ist' for that matter, you should continue looking elsewhere for a mate.
*Sexual Chemistry>>>>>>>>>>>
This one sort of goes along with point #2, in that, just like she will only find you less amusing over time, she will be less inclined to put out over time. If you are constantly turned down, or on the other side, if you aren't as interested in sex as she is (I have heard of this happening, it may just be folklore though) then you probably aren't gonna work out............
*She Tolerates Your Farts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Funny! but seriously, A woman to keep around is the one that you unleash your full fury upon, and she doesn't so much as flinch. She knows that the smells that emanate from your body cannot be held inside, and has learned to shut herself off from the pain of the stench...............
Not all women need to be smart, but there need to be equivalent levels of intelligence from each side. If you are a member of MENSA, and she has trouble following when you use complex sentences, then she isn't the one. If she makes you feel like an idiot with her smarts, then she isn't the one. You need someone who level of intelligence is equal to yours, that way you guys can relate and grow together, easier.........................
*She Is Not Always Right>>>>>>>
A woman who concedes that you might be right from time to time is one that you should keep around. She is a diamond in the rough, indeed!
*She Is Fine With Giving You Space
When you go out for beers with the guys, she doesn't send you the "I miss uUuUu. LoVe MuffIn. 2 Sad:(((((((((" text. She doesn't always need your attention, and is fine with letting you do what you like to do. That takes a lot of security from not just a woman but a mate, they must know they can let you be, and know that you love them too much to do anything your not suppose too...........................
The next few points I want to make kind of all fall in the same Category:
*Puts Up With Your Shit>>>>>>
She recognizes that there are things about you that just AREN'T gonna change. She has decided that these things are not vital and just leaves them be. Whether it be the way you chew your food, your snoring or the fact that you always get unreasonably angry at other drivers, she has decided that these are not the battles to fight............................
*Takes No Shit>>>>>>>>>>>>
This may seem to fly in the face of the last sign, but a woman to keep around is one that tells you when you are an asshole. I know personally, that I have a hard time gauging how big an asshole I'm being. It's not a bad thing for her to rein you in from time to time. Also, a little feistiness shows that she thinks for herself and has self-respect..............
You can sit there and be quiet around her comfortably. The air doesn't have to be constantly filled with nonsense, Silence is sometimes good, just enjoy the comfort of your partners presences.................................................................................................................
She Gets Along With Your Friends>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This one is pivotal. If your buddies think she is a bitch, she probably is. In this case, find a new broad.
*Her Friends Don't Suck
If you are constantly calling her friends "whores," "bitches," "wenches" or any other slanderous term, then she is probably one as well, and you just aren't seeing it. If you find that you can hang out with her friends and enjoy yourself, this is a good sign.
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