There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Can You Really Be Whatever You Want To Be In America As We Know It Today? Or Has That Time Come And Gone??
One of the most famous sayings in the world is "you can be whatever it is you want to be". Who haven't heard this at least once in their life? I remember hearing it as a kid, and now I'm a father, gives you kind of an idea how long it's been around. It was probably something kids was told even before I was born, now that I'm an adult I can't help but to question how true this ole saying is. The problem isn't that the statement is inaccurate, it's just nobody tells you all the other things, and outside factors you have to depend on, in order to accomplish your dream of being whatever it is you want to be.
It's not hard to see that as the world get older, the ability to live, and live comfortable get much tougher. I'm only 23, but I'm willing to bet that the importance of college was not of the level it is now, I'm sure you could get just about any job without a degree, maybe even without a diploma, I'm sure attending grade school wasn't required the way it is by law today. Take modern time, today getting higher education is more likely to lead you into bankruptcy court than it is to land you a career paying job. Cost of living continues to rise as minimum wage struggle to keep up, the debt of this country gets higher and higher it seem like daily. Some economic expert say we're in so much debt, that we can't possible pay it off for at least 3 generations, meaning our kids, grand kids, and great grand kids will be paying off the debt we're currently in.
In order to to get a good paying job now days, it no longer about your skills, or credentials really, it all about who you know. That's a big part of the reason why it seems as if the rich get richer, and everybody else get poorer. The same kids who parents can afford college, usually because they have a high position for some company where they make a nice living. That kind of gets us back to what I said about having to depend on others, today your success is heavily factor by who you know, not exactly what you know. Don't get me wrong the more you know, the more skill you have the better but how many people can afford college, or even trade school? What about financial aid, you ask??? Well I never understood why financial aid was call financial aid. Aid means to give support, or help, is that really what financial aid corporations do for people? The way I see it, they give you money, in order to make a profit, I mean duh this is America, is anyone really out to help people. Aid is used to get young people in as much debt as possible, the people who run these financial aid company wish you don't land a job right out of college, and with the economy the way it is. It's very common for graduates to be jobless years after graduation. After graduation guess who come knocking, whomever you got loans from and you think they care if you can't find work? Absolutely not, they want you to stay unemployed as long as possible so that interest keep adding, and building up.
The world changes so fast. My son is only 7 months today, but times fly and before you know it he'll be at that age where he has his own goal and dream of what he want to be. it's not that I don't want him to believe that he can't be anything in the world that he wants to be, because in a sense it's true and he can, however I will be sure to let him know that it will not be an easy road. I was never told that, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who wasn't advised of that. I know we grow up, and it something we suppose to kind of pick up with time, I understand, but can you imagine how different it possibly could've been if we knew what we was getting ourselves into before we got there. The world around us changes fast, so maybe our own parents didn't know any better. Nobody predict this recession, and if they did, nobody believed it. I just don't want my kid to do what i did, I had one dream as a little boy to be a fireman, back in them days, school wasn't a requirement, they wasn't laying guys off, and shutting down houses, the way I knew it, you just go to the firehouse and put an application in just as if you would in a fast food restaurant. If I knew then, what I know now, I'd did sooo many things differently to set myself up for sooner, and better success. I think it only fair that we as parents, give it to our kids straight, no sugar coating. It may not seem like the best parenting method at the time, but they can't do nothing but thank you later down the road, when that dream becomes a reality for them. So can you be anything in the world you want to be? Yes, confidently tell your children that, but also advise, warned, and tell them of the tough road and journey which awaits them in achieving their dreams, Most importantly set them up for success as best as you can, as early as you can, and be there every step of the way, going through all the trails and tribulations they face on the road to success. It won't be easy, but your experience and knowledge will be a valuable asset to them throughout this course. Finally, remember this world changes fast, keep up with it, adjust to the best of your abilities, and keep pushing not only for you but also your children. Remember America society is only set up to see you and your family to fail.
John G. Dunn II
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I don't know what America you're living in, but it can't be the same one as me. Set up to see us fail? Not neccessarily. Some corporations are definitely in the exploitation business... not arguments there. But let me tell u a little of my story. I came from a family with no money but I worked hard in school to get scholarships for college. They didn't even begin to cover my tuition and expenses but I did get some student loans. I still had to pay bills tho! So I worked 2 jobs and still graduated with good grades and got a good job after graduating. Was it easy? HELL NO. There were times I wanted to give up because I didn't wanna struggle anymore, but I knew it would pay off in the end. AND IT HAS. Yes, I do have to repay my student loans, but because I got the education I needed to get the job I now have, I'm earning enough to pay it back in a timely manner.
ReplyDeleteYou need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. LIFE IS HARD. PERIOD. Nobody's gonna give you anything in life and if you work hard enough for it, you CAN be anything you want to be!!! But hard work is what built this country in the first place. Hard work is what it's gonna take to maintain any kind of way of life.
You're right about education though. If you don't have any education, you won't get the desk job with the corner office. You might have to work in fast food flipping burgers. Opportunities are out there for everyone but most people don't take them because they're HARD. And nobody's gonna force you to take them either, YOU have to make that choice. The beauty of it is that for you, IT'S NOT TOO LATE!! You are still young, and you have your life ahead of you. Grab life by the horns! Use your son as motiviation. You say you don't want him to set himself up for failure, but you need to be that role model for him!! Just because you made some choices that weren't so smart doesn't mean it has to end there.
Thank for the comment, don't get it twisted I don't feel sorry for myself at all, and also this post didn't come from me feeling sorry for myself or any past bad decision I made. I don't regret the course my life have traveled upon, and wouldn't change anything. As I said before, this world is definitely more about who you know rather then what you know. If you open your eyes a little you can see that. That's the problem with America, take your old president George Bush, who's the reason we're in a lot of the mess we in now, this was a guy who lived in his parents home til he was 30, he was a drug junkie and god knows what else, but 30 years later he's running the country, Why? Cause of his Dad who was once the president of the U.S. This is just one of many many situation that sparked this post it has nothing to do with me or my life decisions. There is a reason why they say "the rich get richer" As I stated here, I will not make the mistake of telling my son, what everybody want our young children to believe is true. This is not the best country in the world, and that life is more about who you know rather then what you know. I wouldn't be where I am without knowing someone, I don't have a degree and make more than many with a degree, why? Cause I knew somebody that knock over some hurdles, and that's more of the American way. then going to college and get that dream Job.
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ReplyDeleteWell what are you doing for a living?! Because maybe you could help some other young people, because it ain't what you know, it's who you know, right? If I could go back, I'd hope to have someone like you to help put me on instead of going to college, since I could earn as much or more, as you say, than a college grad. But since I can't, I'll happily settle for what I have going now. It may not be as cushy as whatever you have going, but as long as we're both making it in this post-George Bush world, that's what's important.