There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Monday, February 20, 2012
My First Flight
As a kid coming up, Nothing amazed me more than knowing that you could go thousands of feet in the air and fly anywhere you wanted to fly in the world. At the same time it amazed me, I also learned the dangers of flying in an airplane, which scared me so much I vowed that I would never fly. Having the childhood dream of becoming a firefighter, the events of 9/11 didn't help, neither did the infamous opening scene of final destination ha ha. When that took place, 9/11, I was a 13 year old 7th grader, and knowing that people hi-jacked aircraft to intentionally crash them really scared me. I was way too young to know about terrorism and politics, all I knew was that human beings took these planes with one intention, which was to crash them. For years following the tragic events of 9/11, the sound of an airplane over head put a sense of fear in my heart like nothing else. When you really think about it, you never hear much about airplanes, and flights at all. It just when you do, the news is usually bad and not good. The though of spending your last living moment on a airplane that's crashing has to be one the most horrible and tourterious to go out, all these thing is the reason I said I would never fly on an airplane. They say, never say never, and maybe I should've because I did take a round trip to Las Vegas, Nevada this past weekend. I would be lying to you if I say it wasn't the scariest, most nervous thing I've done, probably since 2009 when I stepped into my first burning building. The plane I caught from Cincy to North Carolina was a smaller jet. I stepped on the plane and my head nearly rubbed up against the ceiling, that made my heart beat even faster from when I step up to board the flight and proceed down the tunnel, gripping the railing with my sweaty palm not realizing that I wasn't on a roller coaster, hell I wasn't even on the plane yet. I boarded my plane and it seemed as if it took forever for us to take off, the anticipation build, and build. I couldn't help but to think about all the thing that could go wrong. The though of my family, parents, brothers, my son who was only 4 months at the time, and all my close friends I was a mental wreck. I got off at 230 that morning and set up all night before the afternoon flight, with the though of sleeping through the flight but I could see at this moment of boarding, sleep was not happening no time soon. So as we finally had the plane cranked up, it seem as if we was just casually driving around the run way for another 15 min, then we came to a complete stop, went from 0 to what seem like a million miles per hour in 3 to 4 second, Now it starting to remind me of a roller coaster, in which I never ride. The next part, the actual lift off is something I would never forget, it actually is what made the experience of flying worth wild. Looking out the window we was moving at speeds where I had a hard time recognizing anything going by, lifting off we got higher, and higher off the ground, it was neat to lift off near I-275 and see the traffic, too see all of the land that now laid below us. Everything got smaller, and smaller as we got up into the clouds. As we leveled on out and stop rising we was basically sitting up on top of the clouds and I started to understand why they say fling is one the safest ways of transportation because it was just us. For some reason I will never know why, the view and feeling of floating on top of them clouds relax my heart, soul, and mind. Above the clouds was so clear and a sight even to this day, I close my eyes and try to bring back when times get rough and life move a lil too fast. Before I knew it we was setting to land in North Carolina, it was that fast, a 50 minute flight. I had successfully complete a milestone in my life, and faced a fear I once said I never would. That flight was a good simple for the 5 hour flight I had to board from North Carolina to Vegas, and I had found a new liking for fling.
For anybody who's out there that was like me and may have the same fears I had when it came to fling this post is for you. Fling was something that I'm glad I did at least once and I encourage and recommend you go ahead and take that chance too. Life is a journey, we face all kinds of dangers, and face many moment in which we never forget for the duration of our life. In life there are many things which we would like to do, or experience before we die. If we all made our bucket list most thing on it would be things that's unrealistic like being rich for a day, or playing the staring role in a movie, climbing Mt. Everest, traveling around the world, etc. In life, Your time to leave this earth, is your time to leave this earth, no second is promised to us so don't let the fear of death stop you from experiencing something so small, but neat at the same time. You never know you may, like me, grow a liking for it.
John G. Dunn II
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