There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Friday, November 12, 2010
Eye Opener to Open Marriages and Relationships.
When I was first ask to write about this, a couple things went through my mind. One was hell no, two was maybe but how can I when I don't know nothing about this subject Well here I am, after doing a little research, and seriously opening up my mind to really think about both sides of the argument of open marriage here I am punching the keyboard. Originally I was afraid to touch this subject, because of the amount of danger it carries, then I had remember that I'm a un-married single man and had no reason to be afraid. Make no mistake I'm not for open marriage, never have been, and probably never will have to worry about making a decision on it. When I used to here about or see anybody who was in an open marriage or open relationships, I used too frown upon it and who ever maybe involved in it, but after seriously sitting down thinking about and asking some honest people about it, and there experience with it, no I'm not for it, but my disagreement and disgustedly feeling I used to have for it is not that strong strong anymore. I no longer have anything against people who choose this style of relationship as they preference, would I get involve with someone that's in an open marriage or relationship? No, but that's just me. You can find traditional marriages that has last 30, and 40 years or more, it's what we like to call "real love" or "true love". How rare is this though??? Very rare to find these stories of perfect marriages. Of course I know it always wasn't easy times for people who has been married this long, but when you can stay married for that amount of time that is special, that's why I call them type marriages perfect marriages. A few couples are fortunate, the rest figures out a way to settle for less than perfect. For some people believe it or not, for whatever reason traditional marriage makes them miserable. I know what your thinking, once you get to that point, it time for a divorce right? Divorce is not always the answer, some people still love each other unconditionally and just as much if not more as they did when they decided to get married. I think that some people just realize what most of us are afraid to face, which is that expecting one person to fulfill everyone one your needs is unlikely. Now days you hear about the 80-20 rule people love to trow around. For those who don't know what it mean, the 80-20 rules says that your only gone get 80% out of your mate, but somebody comes by with the other 20 and it may look real good when you ain't getting the other 20 from your mate, what happens is you leave the 80 and go for the 20 thinking you getting more, until you find out you actually got much less than what you had. It something like that, you get the idea. Rather you want to believe it or not some people do want the whole 100, some people need the whole 100%. In the sense of the 80/20 rule, open marriage or relationships allow the couple to get the other 20 and ultimately sometimes it makes them appreciate the 80 even more than they may have before. Most people frown upon the thought or idea of an open marriage/relationship, they also frown at the people that they know is involved in one. The frowning usually occur before they even take the time to give it thought or to know the situation between the couple I used to be one of these people. Now I have a different look on this topic, I'm not saying go ask your significant other for an open marriage, or relationship. I'm not going to be the blame for you getting divorced, slapped or dumped, all I'm saying is before you do as most of do and judge or look down on a person for being involved in a relationship of this kind, check yourself because most of you is probably involved in one and don't even know it, or know but it's not an official one. Understand that it's a free country, and you don't know what a couple could be going through or what kind of understanding they have with each other. Also if you care, really sit down and think about this and maybe you'll have a better understanding of why some couples decide to go this route.
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