There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Abortion in the Black Community
Riding home this morning from work, I was listening to the WIZ(Cincinnati's #1 station for hip-hop and R&B). Interesting topic they was talking about today, Abortion in the black community. This topic brings out a lot of opinions from a lot of different people, this post is for you, for you to voice your opinion and speak on how you feel. All I can do is voice mine, and some of you may not agree but we are entitled to our opinion. Statistics can say a lot, you can find many different statistic in many different places. I'm not exactly sure where the WIZ source was from but statistics says, "Minority women constitute only about 13% of the female population (age 15-44) in the United States, but they underwent approximately 36% of the abortions." To simplify this on average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every day in the United States. Why is this??? It can be many different reason. The two main reason I was hearing this morning was because abortion clinics are mostly build in black neighborhoods. Some also say it starts within the home, mean we not teaching are kids these things, and the important of safe sex and reproduction. First off let me say that with the way society is today, and all the things children, teenagers, and even young adults like myself are exposed too, you can only teach your kids so much about these topics. You are at a disadvantage, and fighting a tough battle against society and all of what it teaches. The best thing you can do as parents is teach your kids skills like how to think before they act, teaching them right from wrong, moral respect and things like this. If you succeed in teaching these things to your children at a young age then once society start to consume most of their time they can fight the battle on their own. As far as the location of abortion clinics, yeah it may be true that there is more located within black communities then white. I don't see what the problem is. Yeah it's stereotypical, and maybe judgmental but facts is facts, black communities uses them more than white communities. If anything I think black communities should look at it as a good thing, look at it as an advantage, if it going to be a high use for them at least their close and easy to access and get to. Personally I don't believe in abortions, but as long as it's legal people will use it, you wish that everybody would be considered enough to stop getting pregnant when your not ready, but we don't live in a perfect world. If you think about it, you wonder how could you ban abortion? If you did would you really be making the situation better? How can you tell somebody they must carry a child? How could you even enforce the law if you made abortion illegal? All women would do is not take care of themselves and mis-carry the baby anyway, then what??? Throw the woman in jail??? What about the other half? The guy? Would he go to jail too? Making abortion illegal only add more problems, as I think about it I can't come up with a solution to the problems we will face if we make abortion illegal. Most people are probably against abortion, but if you've never been in the situation how can you say what you would do? I couldn't imagine what a guy and girl go through when they "slip up". I know people that are just as much against abortion as I am, but once they got caught up in that tough situation, where abortions seem like the best option for them they went through with it. There is no solutions to this problem, it one of those things that's best left the way it is. Then you can't forget about women who health is in danger when it comes to giving birth, or just carrying a baby. What happen to these women if you make abortions illegal??? Everybody can't afford getting there tubes tied, and the operation might put them in the same kind of danger if not more. Bottom line is this, making abortion illegal causes more problem and put women in danger. If you make it illegal, there ways around all laws, with that said if someone feel it necessary they will do it anyway, what they call back-alley abortion. This is a problem with no solution, a topic that we can go on and on about, back and forth, it can be never ending. I don't think abortion will ever be illegal, and though I don't believe in it, I think that's a good thing. Keep thing as is, something are made not to be mess with and this is one of them, everybody have their own beliefs, the best thing you can do is follow what you believe in, raise your kids with those beliefs, if you are a mentor or public figure that people look up too, it's OK to let the kids know what your belief is, but also let them know they have the right to believe in whatever it is they want. As stated earlier all you can do is try to educate kids about this topic, about what right and wrong, and how to prevent these problems, after that it all about hope and prayer for them to be OK once they get out on their own.
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