There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
You ain't perfect
There's an important topic that made me re-open my blog notebook. Like most post, it deals with not only boys, not only girls, but both mostly females might i add. Too many times, people judge off what a person got. What is one of the most famous lines, usually for females??? "I don't want a man that still live with his mama." I think somebody need to speak upon this topic. I'm 21 years old and yes i do still with my ma. Is that the worst thing in the world? I also have a 24 year old brother that still at home with my ma, so what. It not hard to believe that we both have been shoot'd down multiple time for that reason alone. Yes, it true that overall there are more adults males then adult females that still live at home with mom. Let really seriously understand why this is. In most cases it mainly because the simple fact that you girls get to grown for your parents, you forget how to respect them moms especially, and can't get alone with them so your basically leaving only cause you can't get alone with your mom. I mean it not like you always want to leave, or that you can even afford to leave. So many occasion I went to a girl house, grant it she has her on place, but most the time it not furnished, she sleeping on a air bed, and the fridge is practically empty, now is this really living??? So many girls on section 8 or some kind of assistant living, but quiet to stick their chest out and yell that they have their on place. I must be honest i also know girls that pays full rent, has very very nice things in their house, furnish, and cook two and three course meal 3 and 4 nights a week, but thats very very few. I also been turned down by girls because of the car or lack of quality car that i have. No, i don't have a car with rims, or a benz, 08 or 09 model vehicle, so what in most cases the girl don't have a car at all. I guess it just a female thing but, they have the tendencies to set what we call double-standards, or standards that they are unable to meet themselves. How can you expect something out of a person that you don't expect out of yourself and that goes for girls and boys? I understand Wanting something good and a man/female that has more than the usual, but you should want more for yourself personally, not living off the standards you set for him/her. I never understand why we judge people off the material things. What ever happen to getting to know a person, guess that just another one of them thing that society turn us away from. No i don't have my own place, no i don't have what you would consider a nice car, but i do have a dream, a goal in mind, and a passion to be successful, a plan, a career path, and thats more than most man out here have. I have been taught that people that judge you on material things, are people you need to stay away from. It so common now days, everybody look at you for what you got. The reason guys do what they do, everybody try hustle, and try to get fast cash, is to stunt, flose, buy the big wheels and nice car, they only do these things to get girls. It so sad, the power of pussy control guys, it just amazing. Black males never have a good career path, a solid plan. It be a rapper, sell drugs or a professional athlete. All get rich schemes. Not to get too far off topic, but For example, out of 40 Fire student at cincy state i was the only black in the class of 09. It's not that black guys don't want to be fireman, i have took guys to sign up personally, but their mostly turned away because they have a criminal background, from back in there younger days. Doing stupid shit without thinking, falling into the trap of society! So Sad! I can be a great guy, my older brother is a great guy, and i know we miss out on great girls, for the simple fact we still live at home with my ma. For the most part we get alone pretty well with my parents, and my parents don't want us to leave. When i think about what advantage do we get out of moving out. To impress you girls?????????? No! Not never we was raise a lil better than that. We was taught that we have to put ourselves first, and take care of us, before we take care of somebody else PROPERLY. That's why i don't have any kids yet how many 21 year old guys can say that? I believe that one of the reason my brother don't have kids either. Seriously we get no gain out of moving out. Staying home, we can stay focus, it one less bill we have to worry about, we can properly be a good role model to our baby brother. Living at home ain't as bad as people make it out to be. Just because i live at home still don't make you any more independent, sucessful, or better than me. All it tells me is society controls your life a lil more, or that you had problems at home that didn allow you to have the luxury to stay home. I have older friends, and know some very very successful people that didn't leave home well into their mid 20's. People say "you never get a woman or be able to maintain a woman living at home." If living on my own is what a girl that i want to be my woman, than i rather be single the rest of my life, i understand the concept of relationship and the privatious yall may need, but again the point im in right now im trying to get to the point where i can comfortably take care of myself, comfortable rent a home, comfortably drive and maintain that really nice car. Live without food stamps, section 8, or assistance living. All that stuff is fine but please don't pretend like you do everything you do without government assistance. My ma told us as long as we doing something constructive in life in striving to a quality and realistic goal and career, that we never have to leave. With that said im leaving no time soon, and any girl that dis-approve, or is turn off by that, good keep it moving, i want die!
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