There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Bi-curious beauty queen.
In previous blogs, i have talk about how guys has turned all good girls into bad, and how we as guys play a major role in the extinction of good girls or women. Well, my point has been proven again. I know this girl, i have been knowing here since west hi days in 06. She has always been a beautiful girl, as far as look and all that good stuff. Even doe i tried to talk to her in high school she never really gave me the time of day. We recently ran into each other, been talking, and really hit it off from the start. I was pretty surprise that a girl like her was single, she is definitely a keeper for anybody. Talking to her now i realize, that not only is she beautiful on the outside, she even more beautiful on the inside. She is arguable the most all-around beautiful person i ever had the joy of knowing. Me and her have chilled often, we've been to eat, been to bar to have drinks, and jus sat up in the house and chill. From day one, i told her i never wanted nothing out of her, no relationship, no sex, nothing like that, all i wanted was to know her, and pretty much have the relationship that we have develop, and if any of the other stuff happens then fine, but i didn go into our relationship expecting them things. We recently sat down and had a heart to heart conversation, where i found out that she was bi-curious. This was shocking to me, because i never would have suspected it, I mean she 100 % girl, she sweet to me, when we out she don't look at girls like that, there was jus no signs that i was able to pick up. When she told me this, i wonder why???? So i ask, why? She told me that her last relationship was so so bad that it turned her away from guys. Out of respect to her, i want go into to details of what happen, and how everything went down, but take my word it was a pretty jack'd up situation, and a situation that will mess a girl up that was in love. I mean think about yourself women, how much would it take from a guy to turn you out??? And this is a girl that can seriously get any man she want and i bet a whole years salary on that, so you know it had to be serious. My point in writing this blog was to try to get answers, and try to get an understand from the fellas, how and why do we do these kind of things to, girls like this? Knowing that there are so limited amount, if you lucky enough to get one of the few, how could you jus throw it away like that. Granted nobody is perfect, not even this girl, and she will tell you that, i'm pretty sure that she created problems in the relationship as well. Personally i think a lil better decision making ablilty could've avoid a lot of what she went through, but fellas tell me how do you guys do it. Me, i ain't been the luckiest person when it come to having the chance with a good girl. Most of all the girls i talk to or talked to, was the exact opposite, they we're good at one point, but had already be hurt badly before they got to me, or somebody i talked to as a young buck, and they never accepted the fact that people change, and judge me off that 16 or 17 year old knucklehead i use to be. When God bless me with someone as half as good as this girl i be off the market for good. If i'm lucky, as time go by and we keep hanging, and kicking the way we do, maybe just maybe i can get this girl. I still need to know how you guys mess up such a good thing? I mean man, what is it, where are the problems coming from? Why do you guys create problems? Why do yall leave problems that exist unsolve? More imprtantly, why do you guys take this good girls and treating like crap and mess it up for the good guys. We all have our flaws no doubt, but the few i picked up from her in the lil time we been hanging out, are not that hard to deal with. Yes, it may have been a lil different in their relationship, but come on how big of a difference could it possible been? I mean seriously, if i thought you guys was interested i tell you all about her. In a sentence, She is Beautiful inside and out, independent in every which way, and most importantly you would never here her say "i'm independent or 5 star chick". When she is a perfect example of those things. Unfortunately her heart been hurt so bad by a few guys that she don't know if she want to ever talk to guys anymore. I can understand how she feel, and i can respect her even doe some people may not approve. She refuse to fall into the trap that society has put on males, and females, and turn into a person that she wasn't raised to be, so the only alternative that it is, is to go to girls. I get that. Now i'm here in the picture, and it hard fa me because i have to trained myself to not get too attached to this girl, thats kind of hard to do, cause i really like her, and i think she likes me too. She text me everyday, she ask how my day is, how work going, she cooks, don't judge me, she understand me. I don't no how to mend i shattered heart, i don't know how to repair that, so it all new to me now. I'm used to being on the other side of things, being the one with the damage heart. I do the best i can, i don't pressure her, i don't do what other guys do and try to have sex with her and stuff like that. I try to do things a lil differently then what she's used too, i try to be there when she's lonely, spend a night or two when she needs me too (AND NO I STILL DON'T TRY TO HAVE SEX WITH HER FA ANYBODY WHO WANTS TO KNOW.) It difficult for me because it all new for me. The best thing i know to do is be myself and see what happens. I just hope this girl comes back around, and it not for me, it more for herself, i'm not in the position to say what's best for her, but in my opinion i think she jus ran into a few bad experience and right now she's jus fed up! She told me that one day she do want to be married with kids, so that tells me that right now it jus a phase. Guys! Get it together man please, if not for yourself, do it for the women, do it for the people who raised you. Man we have to get it together guys, we have to do eveything in our power to try turn this thing back around, so girls like this are not so limited. We played a major role in messing it up, so let's fix it!
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