

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Unconditional Love: A Reality or an Ideal?

Recently had a deep discussion with a friend(female) who talked about lust in men and how men lose so much cause they can't love fully and deeply because there too busy in lust looking for any small thing a woman is lacking. So it had me thinking about unconditional love and if that's a real thing or not. When I hear that phrase used, I almost cringe. It's just a painful phrase, because, similar to "ego," I think it's an imaginary term, in the sense that it's only used when it benefits the person using it in that moment.

😬🤷🏾. I'll preface this by saying this is all my opinion. I think it was Chris Rock who famously said, "The only two things loved unconditionally in this world are women and dogs." A man is only loved to the extent that he provides something. Unconditional love is an overglorified expression, socially popular to make love seem more superior than it already is.

With that said, if you're reading this,  I want you to look back at your relationship(s) and really look in the mirror and ask yourself if you REALLY loved without conditions. Maybe you did; I'm not saying you didn't; I wasn't there. Loving with conditions is not a bad thing! Relationships are about service and trying to serve one another with as little judgment as possible and as much understanding as possible. So what are your thoughts you love bugs you.... 'We listen and we don't judge' here...

I believe that, as flawed human beings, truly unconditional love is inhumane.