There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
My Allure for Fame
As I grew grown and did things that allowed me to travel and see the world and it's people, I discovered what's been within me forever. For me it was only so I can have interesting conversations with people. You have to remember I'm just a black African America male who grew up in conservative a$$ Ohio, most people around Ohio when I was growing up didn't look like me. And Even now people are not really interested in really opening up to have fierce in-depth conversation with someone who looks like me. So why be famous? $#it as a kid, I knew ALL people wanted to talk to famous people.
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Will and Jada
It's so easy to judge and throw stones, that's all I've heard in the opinions from the internet investigators, but you never know when it can be you. Hell it's been many of you already, maybe not in the spotlight as this relationship has been, but the pains of relationship trauma, family drama, and divorce are all the same. My hope is that we can offer the compassion and kindness too each other when our lives are changing as they constantly do.
We're hard on others because we're hard on ourselves, we're hard on ourselves which make us hard on others. I'm looking forward to learning Jada's story.
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
3 Big Q's For Life Happiness
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Strong Back, Soft Front, Wild Heart
Saturday, July 22, 2023
Stay Out of Small Towns
Jason Aldean has been around and making music long enough, he not only knew what the undertones of this song was, he also knew the subliminal messaging it was going to give, and 100% what he was doing. He also didn't care.
I think it's kind of odd that he was performing at the Vegas massacre, but that wasn't featured in the video. So I take it, that mass shootings is okay in the 'small town' just not protest from the oppressed?
I'm okay with how people feel and even how they think, Not caring is fine, just have the courage to stand on that messaging, don't chicken-shit and cry ignorance when you get called on it.
So In the midst of it all, he come to 'small town' Cincinnati and have his first sold out show of the tour go figure. It's like the same way Morgan Wallen became the #1 country artist After using the N word, This song will hit #1 on the charts. 'Merica πΊπ²
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Actuality of Love and Marriage from Someone Who Never Been Married
The older I get the more I heard that grandiose question, will you ever marry and settle down? First and foremost, for me, we have to throw the 'settle down' out the window. Settling for anything just makes me automatically go into a mood, that this is something I SHOULDN'T do. Rather it be settle for this oppose to that, settle a case, settle for a girl, settle for a situation, settle=FUCK NO!
But anyways....
I remember when I was young, love and marriage were these nebulous concepts that would happen some time in my future. I would often wonder or daydream who I would marry, how I would meet her, how we would get engaged, what the wedding would be like, etc., etc. I think this is pretty normal for most young people.
What I never fantasized about was what life would be like AFTER marriage. I never sat around and thought about how we would fight, how we would share toothpaste, who would take the kids to school, how we would negotiate and compromise, what our fifth anniversary would look like, not to mention our 50th.
That's because these things aren't exciting or sexy. In fact, they're quite the opposite. They're quotidian and boring. Yet, they are actually what constitute the majority of a relationship, the majority of love.
My fantasies about love — like most people's — were limited to pretty much the beginning of the life cycle of a relationship. They were filled of romantic visions of sleepless nights filled with wild passionate sex, fun getaways to exciting location, bathtubs full of rose petals and bubbles and shit. It was awesome.
But looking back, I was unrealistic about relationships and love. And I think that really screwed me up in a number of ways (if anything, it made me more afraid of commitment, because I thought it was a much bigger deal than it actually was).