There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Saturday, May 28, 2022
Gabe Kapler protest the anthem. Okay and....
Do you remember the name Bruce Maxwell? Yeah probably not. Well he was the only player kneeling during 'kneeling peroid' Like him this will be talked about for a few days and no one will even acknowledge your doing it, then you'll get bored and you'll stop, just like Bruce did.
I think the most comical part of this all is you decide memorial weekend in Cincinnati to start it! CINCINNATI! I think there some irony in that decision, I'm not going to even elaborate on that, but hey good choice of the. Location to start it. 'A'
for effort, it's more action than most will take. ESPECIALLY IN CINCINNATI
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Another Mass Shooting
Monday, May 16, 2022
Where's Weirdo? Calling Out To All You Interesting People
There's that saying; if your the smartest person in the room, then you need to find a new room. Well I think that go for interest too. If your the most interesting person in a room you also need to find a new room.
I love interesting people! Interesting is defined by the individual, I'm speaking most about dialog and mind set, people who thinks differently than I do. Over the last few years my journey has made me a bit of weirdo is the realm.
In my search of interesting, I have found myself connecting with people, that social doctrine would tell you is cray-cray or weirdos, but be that as it may, I've enjoyed the process of leaning into other people's weirdness. Leaning in Keep's life interesting, and most importantly it teaches you range, range in your own thoughts and the able to be ability to see things from a lot of different angles.
So I challenge you, this week. Seek out someone who seems a lil off, rather that be at work, your local hangout, your neighbors, wherever. Someone who's thinking and view point and some peaks your interest and just talk(more so listen) and ask questions. It maybe uncomfortable, but I promise you it'll be fun and you'll leave that experience had learned something 😉