There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Friday, August 19, 2022
We're so afraid to fail, because of the labels that will be bestowed upon us, by the people in our lives who had those same labels bestowed upon them!
F**k people! F**k people and their opinions and how they feel! Yes that includes your mother, your father, siblings, friends anybody who pissed you didn't please them. Your only a failure because you failed THEIR expectations. I get so tired of people coming to me with the addiction of making f**king excuses!
A year ago to the day! My dream, my career was taken away from me!!! Did I lay down and f**king die?! No! I may have cried for a day or two, but I got my a$$ up and got to it. Dusted myself off, threw the π up at everyone who was there to watch me die, and give up and I went work, picked up where I left off kept cashing CHECKS, plural.
Get up! Go out. Put yourself out there in the universe. That business you been talking about starting GO! That band you wanted to start, GO! That investment you wanted to make, take the chance! Go travel, go find you a few mentors, a few people who success you inspire to have and learn some $#!+.
All you 18, 19, 20 somethings, 30 somethings, You have time! You not even at the halfway point of your life. All that life is short, your getting old, time is precious bull$#!+ we been fed by social doctrine, πthat! Time is valuable however, and you have plenty of it, but don't waste it! There's work to be done, to get the life you want, whatever you want, so Move! GO DO SOMETHING!
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Don't Look Up, LISTEN UP! Earth Is Speeding This Thing Call Life Up Right Under Your Eyes
It brought about a conversation about death. Death is one of my favorite topics to discuss when talking to mates'.
When you bring up a discussion about death, the conversation gets real. It forces people to really put life into prospective. Think about it, You can't really bullshit the conversation, you have to either come real or run away.
Like when you think about it we hold on to loved ones after they pass on, for nothing but our own selfish reasoning. We mourn cause we'll miss them so much, how they treated us, and what they did or provided for us. Gone too soon? because they didn't get the chance to fulfill the dream we had for their life, or didn't get to tap the potential we put on them.
One of my favorite answers to mourners is, Death is not the punishment, it's the reward! While it may not be very comforting its just truth.
Monday, July 18, 2022
The Bloom of Human Beings
I think we reside so much time in that realm for multiple reason; The biggest being we're so afraid of death. Another being perfectionism. We have been so condition to be perfect in everything we do, which ultimately sets us up for failure, but cause perfection only exist in the mind, we're perfect at nothing.
Rather it be professionally, socially, in relationship. We fuck up. We get it wrong way more times, in a life time, than we get it right. Let's acknowledge that and then normalize it
Something that's not expressed to people enough, especially young people is that in life you don't reach full bloom until your 40's and 50's. We have little blooms throughout our young lives and early adulthood that prepares us for our big bloom. This is life, it all about preparation.
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
United States of The Apocalypse
Saturday, May 28, 2022
Gabe Kapler protest the anthem. Okay and....
Do you remember the name Bruce Maxwell? Yeah probably not. Well he was the only player kneeling during 'kneeling peroid' Like him this will be talked about for a few days and no one will even acknowledge your doing it, then you'll get bored and you'll stop, just like Bruce did.
I think the most comical part of this all is you decide memorial weekend in Cincinnati to start it! CINCINNATI! I think there some irony in that decision, I'm not going to even elaborate on that, but hey good choice of the. Location to start it. 'A'
for effort, it's more action than most will take. ESPECIALLY IN CINCINNATI
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Another Mass Shooting
Monday, May 16, 2022
Where's Weirdo? Calling Out To All You Interesting People
There's that saying; if your the smartest person in the room, then you need to find a new room. Well I think that go for interest too. If your the most interesting person in a room you also need to find a new room.
I love interesting people! Interesting is defined by the individual, I'm speaking most about dialog and mind set, people who thinks differently than I do. Over the last few years my journey has made me a bit of weirdo is the realm.
In my search of interesting, I have found myself connecting with people, that social doctrine would tell you is cray-cray or weirdos, but be that as it may, I've enjoyed the process of leaning into other people's weirdness. Leaning in Keep's life interesting, and most importantly it teaches you range, range in your own thoughts and the able to be ability to see things from a lot of different angles.
So I challenge you, this week. Seek out someone who seems a lil off, rather that be at work, your local hangout, your neighbors, wherever. Someone who's thinking and view point and some peaks your interest and just talk(more so listen) and ask questions. It maybe uncomfortable, but I promise you it'll be fun and you'll leave that experience had learned something π