In the last month or so, as a nation we all came together to raise millions of dollars in hurricane relief money, why was everybody sensibilities ignite then? Cause it affects everybody, mother nature can give a damn about your race, status, rich or poor. When it come to this racism stuff and the reason the protest are happening- which we are not even talking about by the way- everybody is not affected, so sensibilities aren't ignited the same. Oppression only effect one demographic and that's the demographic that try to take a stand to fix it. I don't know. You tell me.... any body who don't believe this is a real problem, is in denial. Look man... Oppression is a real issue here. And it being cover and smothered by white people because it an ugly reality they don't want to face, I get it. I understand when it comes to race, we're categorized and all lump together in our respective races. A 6'2 230 pound black man, TRUST ME I'm very familiar with the stereotypes that come with race. I know it not all of you, I know all white people ain't races or oppressive, and when you have to take accountability for something that's not your responsibility, and don't represent your views, it's HARD I get that too! However, for as long as we keep pretending like the elephant ain't in the room, change CANNOT occur. While I'm aware all white people ain't bad, when you deny people of their experience how they experiences things, when you not only shun and deny people of their rights and freedom of expression, but also try to tell them what they should and shouldn't do, at that very moment you become part of the problem. People say they stand for this country, the flag, military and first responders, but this ain't about the flag, military and first responders, it's about racism and social injustice in this country, that's what this protest is about. So I discuss and I'll continue to discuss, for blacks, brown and the oppressed. Quiet is what everybody want; people, media, conservatives, everyone wants quiet on this ugly truth and this ugly reality, but quiet ain't got us nowhere clearly! Why do you think we keep ending up here, it sure in the hell ain't by coincidence.
There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Monday, September 25, 2017
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Why We All Need To Die Alive.
Everyone knows they’re going to die, but nobody believes it. If we did, we would do things differently, we kid ourselves about death. For example, I know many of you reads this and wonder "why the hell is he talking about this and where is it coming from." But there’s a better approach. It's just been able to see things for what they are and To know you’re going to die, and to be prepared for it at any time. That’s better. That way you can actually be more involved in your life while you’re living.
Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live!
Why is it so hard to think about dying? “Because,” most of us all walk around as if we’re sleepwalking. We really don’t experience the world fully, because we’re half-asleep, doing things we automatically think we "have to do.” And facing death changes all that? Oh, yes. You strip away all that stuff and you focus on the essentials. When you realize you are going to die, you see everything much differently.
The only negative to the realization is you short of lose ambitions when you realize you are going to die. All of a sudden the things you spend so much time on—all this work you do- might not seem as important.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Letting People Go
I hate having to let people go. As an empathic person, who cares, it a terribly demoralizing thing to do. Letting go of some relationships are easier to do than others, because all the relationships you have in life, some you simply value more than others.
Even if letting a person go is the right thing to do, it not what we built a relationship for. Regardless of the type of relationship, rather it be companionship, association-ship, friendship, intimate relationship, We don't like to lose, and letting go, feel likes a lost.
However, it is vital to your quality of life to know and understand that In life You train people how to treat you. With that said If you allow people to manipulate, deceive and abuse you in any way or form, they will continue to do it. You have to let your feelings count. And sometimes that simply mean cutting ties. Growth happens in many ways and form, good and bad, we all grow, every day, and many times in growth, we grow in different directions than the people dearest to us.
In the words of my auntie Iyanla "Baby, you got meet people where they are, you have to meet people where they are, but sometimes, sometimes you have to leave them there."
Sunday, June 25, 2017
One of the best things about having an interest and an enjoyment in behavioral psychology is that there's always work to do and an abundance of learning material out there. It is one of very few fields of study where your always learning and working just from the simple act of human relations. Through all walks of life, we communicate with people 24/7, especially with phones and technology of that. Without plan, I talk to people and some post just write themselves through the conversation.
I cringe every time someone says, that somebody else is "too good", and "too perfect". Only If you knew, not what you just said out your mouth, but what I just heard out your being, and your spirit. One of my life goals is to get people, women in particular, to understand when a man talks down to you, tell you all that crap about how your not worth this, you not worth that, all that demeaning, derogatory stuff, they're really just talking to themselves using you as a mirror. "I feel so unworthy myself, that I'm gone inflict all this on you and your soul so I'm not alone."
I understand where it comes from, the insecurities, and investing your self more into someone then you even invest in yourself, what I would love to figure out is how and at what point do people get to that point Where another human being, as imperfect as we all our can tell you your worth and hold power over you even after the relationship. Like where is the fear instilled In a heart that stop people from moving on and willing to run the risk of missing out on "too perfect" or "too good". I guess that's where I differ, The risk of missing out on better, and being stuck in a rut with that type of person would scare me shit-less. It like being held captive, and being a prisoner to someone who, only speak of your unworthiness, because it to Painful to face the fact that they're really speaking to themselves. I wonder if people realize you can only move and grow as they do when someone holds that power over you. Your no longer even an individual person, what if we took the rights and all the freedoms of being an individual away from people who failed victim to this? I don't know, what I do know is this is by far one of the most unattractive things placed upon the soul.
Monday, March 6, 2017
1. The fitness world/community, what a treat it is to be apart of, events like this one make it so worth the work required to acquire acute fitness and health and wellness.
2. BEAUTIFUL! My God, there was some beautiful sights to see there 😉😍, I'll be going every year for the rest of my life most likely.
3. Sticking to God, thank God for whomever invented yoga pants!!! Who ever you are, I don't know if you knew the phenomenon that would be created, when the combo of yoga pants and fit women intertwined, but for every men in the world I'll like to say thank you!
4. It's good to have status and know people. Our entire experience was great, VIPish. From the expo itself, the last min dinner reservations, no wait entrance to the clubs, VIP treatment in the club, to staying in the club til pass 4am drinking, I'm still young and like to do that stuff, sorry not sorry. I didn't know Columbus could be so fun.
5. I can charm women and apparently men (unintentionally) in a very fast and short amount of time. I haven't figured out if this is a good or bad thing yet, but it was a good and bad thing this weekend, mostly good. Don't ask for details.
All in all, what a time. I had more fun, then I expected. I'm looking forward to next March and returning. I would recommend you do to, but Unfortunately if your not into fitness I don't think it will be fun for you, if you are YOU MUST GO AT LEAST ONCE.