So now that the three day marathon. known as the draft, have come to end, it time for people like me to take the picks that Immediately impacts our football team examine them, and disect them and figure out how they will be used with this Cincinnati Bengals football team. What I will provide you with is the many guys that we drafted that I feel bring improvement and that I feel you'll see a lot of in the upcoming season barring injury.
Tyler Eifert Rd.1 Pick: 21 Tight End
This 6'6 Tall, Athletic Tight end was a surprise to just about everybody that at 21 he was still on the board. Tyler was a guy who was a projected top 10 on a lot of board, and a top 15 pick on everybody''s board. You can't find a mock draft the even gave the Bengals the opportunity to even draft him, because he was suppose to already be off the board. For the Bengals the tight end position wasn't an immediate need. but if you watch and follow the Bengals you know tight end was one of our weakest spot on this football team, in my opinion the second weakest spot after the strong safety spot. Jermaine Gresham has been a disappointment as a first round pick, yes he has potential but he is not the guy that dominates the middle of the, and when you got a guy like Green occupying not only a corner but also a safety, you got to have that tight end to dominate between the seams and behind them linebackers, Gresham can't do that, Eifert will get his opportunity. The drafting of Tyler will not only challenge Gresham, but also push him to be the best he can be, how good could that be is the real question??? Eifert has amazing skills as a receiving tight end, he of course have size, great leaping ability, great hands and his route running is his best skill, filming show's, as you can see Norte Dame use him a lot lined up on the outside. Where he struggles is his blocking ability, many question his low body strength, he has been known to hold when run blocking and lean and catch defenders when in pass pro. The Bengals couldn't pass up on Eifert once they seen that he was on the board at #21, yes it was a surprise to everyone that they took him, but it was a great pick.
Giovanni Bernard Rd 2. Pick 5. Running Back
Out of all the backs that was on the board came time for the Bengals to pick they made the best pick for what the Bengals are transitioning too in my opinion. I think it pretty clear to see that we are becoming a pass heavy team, BJGE is not the guy for that style of offense, even though he played in NE who is pass happy. BJGE is more of a between the tackles type of guy, and he will continue to be that type of guy for us. Giovanni will, in my opinion, slowly take the over the job here in Cincy if he comes along the way the Bengals like. He is the perfect back for our style of play. Giovanni is a explosive player, who has big playmaking ability, is quick elusive and very difficult to contain in the open field, Very good receiver out of the back field which is what separate him from the other backs like Lacy and Ball who are guys that are more in between the tackle type backs. He is also very reliable in pass pro. Now the bad..... He is not a big guy, many wonder if his size will hold up in the NFL, also he has a bad knee, already had a torn ACL, also missed 2 games this year from knee discomfort defiantly a BIG red flag. If he can stay healthy, he's a guy to watch out for, he definitely have the talent and skill set to be a feature back in a spread type of offense, he is in my opinion was the most complete back in this draft.
Margus Hunt Rd. 2. Pick 21. Defensive End
When the Bengals took this guy, it really surprised me, because the front line on D is by far the strength of this football and contains the most Depth. while this pick surprise me, as a fan it made me even more excited for this football team. I tell you as a guy like Michael Johnson your ears has to come up a little bit when you see this. Michael Johnson as we know was tag, but I clearly feel he is overpaid but with the rules of the tag, the Bengals are force to pay him a certain amount He is not an 8 figure a year type of guy and being that it a 1 year deal for Mike this Margus guy could be his replacement if Mike decide he won't to try to break the bank come next year. Margus Hunt is a one of a kind athlete, he first appeared on the international athletic scene after he won gold medals in both the shot put and discus events at the 2006 World Junior Track and Field Championships in Beijing. e went to SMU to do track and field, but eventually turn his attention to the football field. Hunt is a tall thick dude standing a 6'8 hitting the scale at 277, don't get it twisted though he amazingly athletic for that size and have what some calls the most upside and potential in this draft because of this combination. He is very versatile in his ability to play both the 3 and 5 Tech really really well. Expert calls this the steal of the Draft, as Hunt was projected to be a late first rounder by most. Playing at SMU you didn't hear much about him, but he was a top performer at the combine for his position and will make an immediate impact for the Cincinnati Bengals, might not be on defensive, but he holds the NCAA record for blocked field goals. I'm extremely excited to watch this guy develop in the next couple years, with the cast we already have here, this can get scary!!!
Shawn Williams Rd 3. Pick 22. Strong Safety
Shawn Williams is a big tough Safety from Georgia. He is what I think is every Defensive minded coaches dream. Big, Strong, Tough, punch you in the mouth type of safety. I think because the HUGE need for a Strong Safety if he play his card right he can impact this D immediately. He a guy who can play in the box and have no fear. He's a down hill type of guy who will lay out Receivers who decide to come across the middle or tight ends who think they own the seam. He won UGA's tough man award twice in the last 2 years, also he is a above average cover guy, who reads quarterbacks well, and with speed can guard any tight end and keep up with faster slot receivers For the weaknesses, he is not a guy that going to intercept a lot of balls, he don't have a lot of ball skills, no interceptions his senior year. His hard hitting can be his downfall at time as he been known to go for the hard hit and miss, but these weakness are thing that can be worked on, he is a big dude, which coach Lewis loves (i.e Taylor Mays), and he is full of toughness and attitude definitely a Zimmerman type of guy and could definitely be a starter in this league.
The Cincinnati Bengals in my opinion was definitely without question a winner in this past weekends draft. I feel they had a top 10 type of draft class, and I'm not saying that just cause I'm a fan. Eifert will add a two tight end attack that will take heat off Green, Bernard (not Scott) can very well be the starting back by seasons end, for he is exactly what we need in the style offense Coach Gruden want to run, Hunt was said by many to be the steal of the draft, and even though he plays at a position we are deepest at he will contribute on special team as he develop into another versatile and effect rotating lineman for us. I think I already mention he is a genius when it come to blocking kicks, and honestly the person I'm most excited to follow. Williams is a guy he give us improvement in the position we are weakest at strong safety, and I feel he can compete with Mays and Myles for that job, being an SEC guy he plays the closest thing to NFL talented in that conference, do not sleep on that. The Bengals seem to be starting a new trend for this organization and that drafting well and building, developing guys as they have done just that the last 4 to 5 years. This year they kept it going, they not only filled every need they need, but also got better while doing it. I seen a lot of B and a few B+ for the draft grade, I have to go more with B+ closer to A- just cause without these guys Bengals was AFC contenders, with this class they got a lot better and will have the most guys to contribute to what's already is a good team. Cincinnati be EXCITED for your football team, they have constantly improved, they will own the North this year, and could very well go undefeated in this league like 2005, and will be a team who can not only get to playoffs this year but also win in the playoffs!
There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Monday, April 29, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Integrity: A Charateristic That Most Lack and Scared Of.
Like many words, The word integrity comes with multiple meanings, but when you sum it up, in my opinion it comes to the same baseline meaning. meaning of the word integrity is, adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honest. To break this term down, and how it always been simplified to me, integrity is having the ability to do the right thing when no one is looking. How easy is it to do what's right when you know somebody is watching? You wouldn't break a rule right in front your boss, you wouldn't stare at an attractive person, while your with your significant other, you wouldn't traffic drugs right in front of the police. How many of us will act the same regardless rather the police, or boss or significant other was there or not? Integrity is one of them words that carries so much power, but is so challenging to us, that most people don't even know the word exist. My reason for being here is to speak upon this and hopefully spark some minds, and install a little will in people to live their everyday life with a little more integrity. It a challenge for everybody, cause that what the word integrity does to us, it challenges us to do the right thing, even though the right thing may not always be beneficial to us at the very moment. There are many times, even daily, dilemmas come by and test our character and are integrirty. How often do you do the right thing or how do you even know when them moments come about? See integrity run neck and neck with words like trust, honesty, loyalty, and all the other strong, powerful words we hear or see daily, oftenly misused. When your manager misguided you, or lie to you about the amount of workload you have to get done, not because it of an important to the company, but of importants for him/her to meet quota. Or how about when I cop pulls you over because you was 5 over the speed limit, or cause your 'tint was too dark' not because he usually do that or specialize in that area of the department, but because the end of the moment is quickly approaching and he not on pace to meet the required amount of tickets. You’ve been really struggling in a class you need to pass to graduate. You studied hard for the final, but still aren’t feeling confident about it. Your friend took the test earlier in the day and offers to tell you exactly what was on it. Should you let him? Something more realitive to the general public, when a cashier gives you too much change back, do you keep the extra or take it back? When your sandwhich has mayo on it, and you clearly didn't ask for mayo, after realizing it do you eat 2/3 of it then take it back and get another or send it back immediately? When meeting a new man/women do tell them upfront your not availiable or do you wait to see what you can get out of the them rather it be money, dinners, or sex before dropping the info on them? All these thing are moments when our integrity is put to the test and sadly most of the time people fail awfully when challenged. If it one thing I try to live by, or one moral Characteristics that of the utmost importants to me, it's Integrity. I've got so good at it, that I can spot out moments when my integrity is tested, sense it, and remember what I stand for, then make my decision in seconds. Don't get me wrong their was a time in my life where I didn't do the right thing, hell I'm not perfect I still to this day don't make the right decision, but I never knowingly go against my integrity. Sometimes doing the things that I mention above, the wrong way, may not cause pain or hurt anybody, it may, crazy enough, even finds you success. How often do we see or hear of people brown nosing, a.k.a kissing ass, to get that promotion, or get that edge over a co worker at work. What about relationship where one person is clearly mistreated, taking advantage of, and unappreciated but continue to accept it just for the fear of being alone. Some people will go against their beliefs to hold on to things and gain success. The most common test of integrity of all to me is when people go into interviews and say what they know employers want to hear, not because they want or like the job but because the bills are getting behind? I know what you thinking..... Sometimes you have to work any job to get the bills paid.... and your right about that, but it still a test and a fail to the integrity of a person. You can use dishonesty to gain gratification in the moment, but it just that, for a moment, it not something that will or can ever last, because it's not genuine. There are many example of people out there that are succesful without integritiy that just never seem to get caught, I'm sure we all could name a few. All that do is create a false perception and blueprint for others to follow to get to success. The thing that people never realize as their climbing that letter to success and finding their way up, their also losing their ability to be trusted as a person of integrity, which is the most valuable quality anyone can have in their life. Success, money power, etc all that stuff is temporary, but the profit in a network of people who trust you as a person of integrity is forever, which is more important to you? That becomes the real question. That's one of the sweetest things about that word integrity, it challenges you, yourself. It makes you face questions of character of yourself, self-respect and self moral. You can always come up with justifications that seemingly make good sense and let you sleep better at night. But at the end of the day, there’s nothing more valuable than your good name and the ability to look at yourself in the mirror each day with a clear conscience, integrity challenges you to do that each day. Integrity is a lot like trust, in the sense it hard to gain but can be lost in seconds. To be a person of integrity is to be a person of trust, I think part the reason our world is so fucked up and jacked up in every which way you name is because we lack people of integrity. Warren Buffet, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway said it best:, “In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first one, the other two will kill you.” A person’s dishonesty will eventually catch up to them. It may not be today, and it may not be for many years, but you can rest assured that at some point there will always be a reckoning. To be a person of integrity you have to surround your self with people of integrity, though them type of people is hard to come about now days, which is why I probably don't have any friends ha ha. You are the company you keep, and if your not, you certainly will be judge based on the company you keep. There's a saying that goes “Do what is right, let the consequence follow.” It serves as a daily reminder that success will indeed come and go, but integrity is forever. What does integrity mean to you? I challenge you, if you reading this to practice gaining and building your integrity. It as simple as knowing right from wrong and choosing to do what's right.
John G. Dunn II
John G. Dunn II
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Rutgers' Rice Berates Players at Practice
John G. Dunn II
Monday, April 1, 2013
Andre Smith and Agents Says The Bengals Offer "Stink"
Free-agent offensive tackle Andre Smith has sat of our "best remaining free agents" list for a while now. It's getting a little old, but Smith doesn't appear to have any great options's Peter King wrote Monday that Smith's agents are making it "very clear" that they believe the Cincinnati Bengals' offer to him "stinks" and the "door is open" for another team to come in and steal him. Most observers expected Smith would return to the Bengals. King mentioned the Arizona Cardinals as a potential landing spot, although coach Bruce Arians continually has expressed confidence in the quality of his in-house tackles (Arians also knows a great one might be available with the No. 8 overall pick in the 2013 NFL Draft. The same agency that represents New England Patriots tackle Sebastian Vollmer, CAA, represents Smith. Vollmer wound up signing a team-friendly deal that was based on a lot of incentives in which Vollmer has to stay healthy. Smith's offer presumably is worse or his agents would have just signed right now. CAA is learning that leverage works both ways. Smith's on-field play in 2012 probably is "worth" more money than the Bengals have offered, but his uneven motivation and struggles early in his career might be scaring other teams away. Teams probably are afraid that Smith only improved with a contract on the way. That sounds smart, even if it "stinks" for Smith.
By Kyle Battle reporter Gregg Rosenthal wrote Monday morning that Sports Illustrated's Peter King has indicated Andre Smith and his representation are not happy with the offer they received from the Bengals and said that it "stinks". Smith is widely regarded as the best free agent that remains unsigned this year.
Smith asked for $9M per year originally, but as the free agent frenzy has calmed down, it's looking more and more like the timeless Rolling Stones lyrics prevail yet again: "You can't always get what you want." The sad reality is that Smith and his people think he is worth more than the rest of the NFL does. The fact that the Bengals didn't extend him the franchise tag showed they weren't afraid of him testing the market; they knew that Smith had raised enough red flags that they could take their chances on losing him. Thus far, it's looking like a good move on the Bengals' part.
The reason teams are hesitating on taking Smith is because of a slew of things that have happened throughout his career. He had a particularly peculiar event occur leading up to the 2009 NFL Draft. Smith also earned himself a clause in his contract where he had to remain below 350 pounds or his checks were cut in half. Smith also didn't turn on his A-game until 2012, the year his contract was up. On top of that, he was arrested at an Atlanta-area airport for having a gun in his luggage.
Given his history, I worry about how Andre Smith will react to all of this. Either way, he will get a multi-year contract from someone before the season starts—chances are, from the Bengals (CBSSports). Does that mean he will revert to the Andre Smith of 2009-2011, playing intermittently with a bevy of weight problems and injuries only to turn it on when his livelihood is at stake? Or will he realize that the 2009-2012 Andre Smith wasn't worth $9M per year and that he has work to do if he wants to demand—and receive—that amount whenever his next contract comes up?
Smith's Bengal teammates understand that this is a business and everyone is out to get their own, so don't expect Smith to be received negatively in the locker room unless these negotiations cause him to miss OTAs or Training Camp. However, Cincinnati is certainly looking to solidify something before then.
Smith asked for $9M per year originally, but as the free agent frenzy has calmed down, it's looking more and more like the timeless Rolling Stones lyrics prevail yet again: "You can't always get what you want." The sad reality is that Smith and his people think he is worth more than the rest of the NFL does. The fact that the Bengals didn't extend him the franchise tag showed they weren't afraid of him testing the market; they knew that Smith had raised enough red flags that they could take their chances on losing him. Thus far, it's looking like a good move on the Bengals' part.
The reason teams are hesitating on taking Smith is because of a slew of things that have happened throughout his career. He had a particularly peculiar event occur leading up to the 2009 NFL Draft. Smith also earned himself a clause in his contract where he had to remain below 350 pounds or his checks were cut in half. Smith also didn't turn on his A-game until 2012, the year his contract was up. On top of that, he was arrested at an Atlanta-area airport for having a gun in his luggage.
Given his history, I worry about how Andre Smith will react to all of this. Either way, he will get a multi-year contract from someone before the season starts—chances are, from the Bengals (CBSSports). Does that mean he will revert to the Andre Smith of 2009-2011, playing intermittently with a bevy of weight problems and injuries only to turn it on when his livelihood is at stake? Or will he realize that the 2009-2012 Andre Smith wasn't worth $9M per year and that he has work to do if he wants to demand—and receive—that amount whenever his next contract comes up?
Smith's Bengal teammates understand that this is a business and everyone is out to get their own, so don't expect Smith to be received negatively in the locker room unless these negotiations cause him to miss OTAs or Training Camp. However, Cincinnati is certainly looking to solidify something before then.
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