They like to tell us, we can date anybody we want, we can be with whomever we please. How true is this, I mean really? I guess that is a true statement, but false all at the same time, if that makes any sense. We never get who we want in life for a life partner, I mean how many people is still with their first love? I'm 22 years old now, and even as a younger guy, like many other people, I always wonder why it all seems like I could never have the ones I've wanted. People love them little saying, how about "God knows who right for you" or "you can't have the one you want cause the one who's right for you is on the way" something along them lines. So you mean to tell me in the last hand full of year all the girls I feel in, not love, but strong like with, none was right for me? What about Ciara? What haven't we been through in the last 5 or 6 years, yeah she was a little mean but came around, how about Traci? At one point of time she actually wanted me, my head was too damn big to realize it, but we always enjoy each other company for the past few years now. Christina? our whole situation is weird, has been since the first day we meet 4 years ago, but there is a lot chemistry there. She just can't get over the fact that she's 4 years older. Margaret? She actually younger then me, and I couldn't get over that fact until it was too late, and I expect Christina too, hypocrite right? Zayvonie? The one who took my virginity (TMI), If we not gone work, then how in the hell do I move on? I never believe that "you never forget your first" bull. Callen? I don't know how I fell for her in the first place, but I did, and I'm not mad about it, so what makes her not right? What makes all these women not right? That's an answer I'll never get, the point is we don't get to have who we want, we just go through all our experiences, learn from them, and create our own preference. My experiences has gave me a preference, a preference for older women. Yeah that's right, I love older women now. I tried that "my age" thing and it no longer works for me, I see it now as a big waste of time. My growth into this man that I have become, is attracted to older women. No, I don't know why, I like to tell people it because of my overly maturity level or wisdom. I have been called an old man, compliment or insult? you tell me. I have been called really wise for my age, I have been thought of as ahead of my time, which is the reason why I only relate or feel comfortable in the presents of established older women. I have been attracted to women over 50, 40, and 30 in just the last couple years. No, been attracted to don't mean I've talked to, or approached. Yes I like older women but my mom is 41 I'm not going that high. I have dated a 28 yr old, I have hung out with a 30 yr old. I have a very close and good friendship with a 33 year old, and no that don't mean intimate, for anybody who's thinking that. There is a 35 year old lady right now that I'm trying to get to go out on a date with me. May I say this one is a different. Different in a good, sexy, and heart snatching way lol. Back to the point, while I'm not afraid to express my new found strong interest in Older women, I've lost friends for this, mostly the female kind, I also been ask many question about it like, How can you like somebody so much older? What can you possible have in common with somebody that much older than you? Do you really expect someone that much older to take you serious, and not look at you as some fling? Then there is the most common question, usually from a girl, what is the difference between the older and younger women beside the obvious age difference? This is a question which I would like to elaborate on, and close with. First thing come to most minds is maturity. Maturity is key, I can only speak from experience. Older women has been around the block, they have lived the life we younger people are currently living right now. Me personally, I like that fact because it helps me grow. With the lessons they have learned because of their past experiences they can provide help by just telling you how they got out of a problem that may be similar to one you maybe facing. Yes some people feel that growing and overcoming that problem together with a person that's the same age is a better learning experience and provides good bonding, and it is, but it's a lot more complicated than that and we all know that. Also, again it comes down to preference, older women are established already, they usually are set as far as lifestyle, profession, social group, and environment. Younger women, or people in general, are still bouncing around experimenting with these things to find their own way. I'm not saying any of these things is what younger women should be like, your young that's your excuse for not being, as I say, older women is, and your excused right now. I guess it's expected as you grow and mature. When dating older women,or just hanging around them, you don't feel that sense of pressure to have to impress, you get the comfort of knowing there more into morals, characteristic, personality traits and the things that makes a person. They tend to like you for that person and human being that you are. Not who dress the best, whose 'fine' or got body, not who got money, or a title next to their name.I guess all I'm trying to say is that I'm passed all this, I been there done that, I'm ahead of my time. I won't what I'm not suppose to get for another 7 or 8 years. It could be a phase, would I marry a 35 year old or someone that's 10 plus years older than me??? I would like to say no, but I honestly can't say. What I do know is all the 30+ or late 20's I have hung out with and dated has all been good times, successful dates so far. It's fun, I can relax and be myself without having to worry so much about making a good impression, or without feeling like I'm competing. Older women help me grow in many ways, and everyday of my life that's what I'm always looking to do, Grow.
John G. Dunn II
There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
What Do I Do
What do I do?
In this life that has no guidance
Where do I turn?
In this world all alone
What do I do
With a career plan, without the path.
I have the will
How do I find the way?
What do I do?
With a open heart crying for love
But a mentality, and lifestyle that pushes everybody away.
How do I put my guard down?
What do I do?
With an ambition to make this world a better place.
But the knowledge of knowing, as John Dunn I can't
How do I proceed?
Knowing my doings and what I can do, don't carry a big enough effect.
They say keep pushing
Play the cards you dealt
What if I had nothing to play?
What if I had no move
What do I do????
In this life that has no guidance
Where do I turn?
In this world all alone
What do I do
With a career plan, without the path.
I have the will
How do I find the way?
What do I do?
With a open heart crying for love
But a mentality, and lifestyle that pushes everybody away.
How do I put my guard down?
What do I do?
With an ambition to make this world a better place.
But the knowledge of knowing, as John Dunn I can't
How do I proceed?
Knowing my doings and what I can do, don't carry a big enough effect.
They say keep pushing
Play the cards you dealt
What if I had nothing to play?
What if I had no move
What do I do????
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Giving Back To Communities
You do not have to be rich or a millionaire to help others living in your community. There are uncountable ways that everyone can give back to the community without spending a lot of money or time. There is always
someone on the other end of the world who needs your help; it does not have to be financial, if you do not have money to give back. A majority of people think that to give back to the community they have to put in a very big effort, but this is a wrong intuition they have. Others do not see the importance of contributing to the community at all because they think its only a way for celebrities to gain publicity. Contributing to the community is important because it helps eliminate such problems as depression, and it can improve how one feels about themeselves significantly.
Contributing to your community can actually be so much fun, especially if you get involved in activities that you like. Just one person can get so many other people volunteering or giving back in one way or the other. Below are some inexpensive ways you can give back to the people you living with you.
The thrift store
You can give back to the community by taking your old clothes, shoes, house furnishings, and kitchen utensils to a thrift store closest to you. I have seen perfectly reusable items like mattresses and furniture at the dumpster, when there are other people willing to buy the same possessions at a lower price. Thrift stores run by the Salvation Army use their earnings to buy food for people living in homeless shelters. You can promote them by buying some of the goods they sell; some items they sell are in really good condition for you to incorporate in your house. Next time just pay them a visit, and you'll see it for yourself.
Hosting a fundraiser for charity
If you have many friends that you spend much time with, this is a good idea to incorporate in your meetings. For example, if you plan to have a high school reunion or a get-together, you could have a fundraiser as one
of the activities to carry out during the meeting. This is a better idea than spending the entire time gossiping about your former classmates or feeling bad about your few achievements in life.
Hosting a fundraiser at the end of a school semester is also a good way to end a semester of hard work. If you are a student, this is a good idea to put in your school suggestion box. You do not have to give actual money, you could give back your old textbooks and stationary that you do not need anymore. If you are graduating, your graduation gown can be very useful to some other student who would otherwise have to miss his or her graduation.
Use your talent
I believe that everyone has a talent. You do not have to be an athlete, or celebrity for your talent to be valid or helpful to the community. If you love cooking you could volunteer in a homeless shelter, or soup kitchen to prepare meals for the hungry people in your community. Yes, we live in America where everyone is supposed to be healthy and not starving, but there are people who live within us that can't afford to buy food. If you love to talk to people, you could volunteer at a guiding and counseling center and give your advice when you can. People love to listen to others who they can relate to. Just visiting the senior citizen facility closest to you, and listening to them talk to you can be very helpful to both parties; they could teach you something you did not know about the old days. Some senior citizens do not have families to visit them, or they have been abandoned; volunteering to visit gives them the assurance that someone in their community cares.
Give your leftovers to those in need.
Did you know that there are people out there who are willing to feed on your leftovers? They are not homeless or poor, in fact some of them have normal jobs; they call themselves freegans. Freegans feed on dumpster food as a way of life. You can save them the diseases and time by giving them your leftover food.
Homeless people search for food in dumpsters too, why don't you put aside the good food for them to pick up without mixing it with the rotten eggs?
Garbage pickup
Littered communities are not the healthiest places to stay. You can start collecting trash with a small group of friends, or schoolmates. You will be surprised at how fast your small group will grow. Some people in your
community just need someone to start a mission and they will support you. Encourage people to recycle plastic and glass wastes. Small steps like these are also ways of giving back to the community.
Community watch
Sometimes I wonder what the human race has come to. There are some communities where your house can get broken into with other people watching, or child abuse happens right in front of other people's watch. You could take an initiative to report such problems as pet abuse or child molestation to the police when you see them. You do not have to dedicate your time watching how other people run their lives, but how many times have we ignored crime? By reporting such crimes as over-speeding or drunken driving to the authority, you could save someone's life because many people die everyday as a result of this irresponsible behaviors.
Offering childcare services
If you are a stay-at-home mom, you could volunteer to help take care of other women's children in your neighborhood. There are so many people who need to go to work to support their families, but they can't afford to hire nannies, pay for expensive daycares are baby sitters. Why don't you give them a hand? You won't lose anything; in fact, you will have other children to play with your own while you perform other tasks.
Volunteer tutoring services to your community
If you go to school, there is at least one subject you enjoy or understand better that someone needs help in. If you did not know, teaching others what you know is a good way to reinforce what you learned in class. You can also learn new ideas while helping other people. It is actually a win-win situation.
Volunteering your services to your community can be so much fun if you get involved in activities that you actually love. Just offering your company to a someone who needs it could save their life. You do not have to help children in Africa for your contribution to the community to be appreciated. It is the small things we do that count.
In the world we live in today, it so selfish. Everybody worried about their selfs all the time. I understand that we have to take of ourselves, and put ourselves first, what SO many people fail to realize is how much you gain by doing for others, and doing a good deed for people around you. Unfortunately the world is too big for the work of just one person to make a big difference, hell the states is too big for the work of one person to make an impact. We can make this world a better place though, we can make the area around us a better place, I don't care who see it, who realizes it, do it with self gratitude in mine, do with your heart and the right place and most of all do it knowing that somebody will benefit from your help rather you know it or not. That is my challenge to you.
John G. Dunn II
someone on the other end of the world who needs your help; it does not have to be financial, if you do not have money to give back. A majority of people think that to give back to the community they have to put in a very big effort, but this is a wrong intuition they have. Others do not see the importance of contributing to the community at all because they think its only a way for celebrities to gain publicity. Contributing to the community is important because it helps eliminate such problems as depression, and it can improve how one feels about themeselves significantly.
Contributing to your community can actually be so much fun, especially if you get involved in activities that you like. Just one person can get so many other people volunteering or giving back in one way or the other. Below are some inexpensive ways you can give back to the people you living with you.
The thrift store
You can give back to the community by taking your old clothes, shoes, house furnishings, and kitchen utensils to a thrift store closest to you. I have seen perfectly reusable items like mattresses and furniture at the dumpster, when there are other people willing to buy the same possessions at a lower price. Thrift stores run by the Salvation Army use their earnings to buy food for people living in homeless shelters. You can promote them by buying some of the goods they sell; some items they sell are in really good condition for you to incorporate in your house. Next time just pay them a visit, and you'll see it for yourself.
Hosting a fundraiser for charity
If you have many friends that you spend much time with, this is a good idea to incorporate in your meetings. For example, if you plan to have a high school reunion or a get-together, you could have a fundraiser as one
of the activities to carry out during the meeting. This is a better idea than spending the entire time gossiping about your former classmates or feeling bad about your few achievements in life.
Hosting a fundraiser at the end of a school semester is also a good way to end a semester of hard work. If you are a student, this is a good idea to put in your school suggestion box. You do not have to give actual money, you could give back your old textbooks and stationary that you do not need anymore. If you are graduating, your graduation gown can be very useful to some other student who would otherwise have to miss his or her graduation.
Use your talent
I believe that everyone has a talent. You do not have to be an athlete, or celebrity for your talent to be valid or helpful to the community. If you love cooking you could volunteer in a homeless shelter, or soup kitchen to prepare meals for the hungry people in your community. Yes, we live in America where everyone is supposed to be healthy and not starving, but there are people who live within us that can't afford to buy food. If you love to talk to people, you could volunteer at a guiding and counseling center and give your advice when you can. People love to listen to others who they can relate to. Just visiting the senior citizen facility closest to you, and listening to them talk to you can be very helpful to both parties; they could teach you something you did not know about the old days. Some senior citizens do not have families to visit them, or they have been abandoned; volunteering to visit gives them the assurance that someone in their community cares.
Give your leftovers to those in need.
Did you know that there are people out there who are willing to feed on your leftovers? They are not homeless or poor, in fact some of them have normal jobs; they call themselves freegans. Freegans feed on dumpster food as a way of life. You can save them the diseases and time by giving them your leftover food.
Homeless people search for food in dumpsters too, why don't you put aside the good food for them to pick up without mixing it with the rotten eggs?
Garbage pickup
Littered communities are not the healthiest places to stay. You can start collecting trash with a small group of friends, or schoolmates. You will be surprised at how fast your small group will grow. Some people in your
community just need someone to start a mission and they will support you. Encourage people to recycle plastic and glass wastes. Small steps like these are also ways of giving back to the community.
Community watch
Sometimes I wonder what the human race has come to. There are some communities where your house can get broken into with other people watching, or child abuse happens right in front of other people's watch. You could take an initiative to report such problems as pet abuse or child molestation to the police when you see them. You do not have to dedicate your time watching how other people run their lives, but how many times have we ignored crime? By reporting such crimes as over-speeding or drunken driving to the authority, you could save someone's life because many people die everyday as a result of this irresponsible behaviors.
Offering childcare services
If you are a stay-at-home mom, you could volunteer to help take care of other women's children in your neighborhood. There are so many people who need to go to work to support their families, but they can't afford to hire nannies, pay for expensive daycares are baby sitters. Why don't you give them a hand? You won't lose anything; in fact, you will have other children to play with your own while you perform other tasks.
Volunteer tutoring services to your community
If you go to school, there is at least one subject you enjoy or understand better that someone needs help in. If you did not know, teaching others what you know is a good way to reinforce what you learned in class. You can also learn new ideas while helping other people. It is actually a win-win situation.
Volunteering your services to your community can be so much fun if you get involved in activities that you actually love. Just offering your company to a someone who needs it could save their life. You do not have to help children in Africa for your contribution to the community to be appreciated. It is the small things we do that count.
In the world we live in today, it so selfish. Everybody worried about their selfs all the time. I understand that we have to take of ourselves, and put ourselves first, what SO many people fail to realize is how much you gain by doing for others, and doing a good deed for people around you. Unfortunately the world is too big for the work of just one person to make a big difference, hell the states is too big for the work of one person to make an impact. We can make this world a better place though, we can make the area around us a better place, I don't care who see it, who realizes it, do it with self gratitude in mine, do with your heart and the right place and most of all do it knowing that somebody will benefit from your help rather you know it or not. That is my challenge to you.
John G. Dunn II
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