If you walked around anywhere in the world and ask just any random person the question, is it possible to remember every day in your life, in detail??? What answer do you think you would get??? No right? Truth is it is possible, not only is it possible but there is people out in the world with this unrealistic ability. To be exact there are 6 known cases in America of this, what doctors call Superior Autobiographical Memory, and Lesley Stahl from 60 minute did a story on 5 of these 6 people. It's a ability that so rare, you won't find it in any text book, or read it of a poster or pictogram in any doctor's office. Let's think about this for a second, How nice would it be to remember every detail of everyday of our life?? According to these people, it definitely a gift they don't mind having, but it's not always a good thing, because not only do you remember everything good, you also remember everything that wasn't so good. Is this real??? I'm quite sure there are many skeptics out there, before I watched the 60 minutes story in full, I was a skeptic, even during it, It's the amazing in my opinion. These people remember everything from a sporting events, to break ups with every boy or girlfriend, to world rocker dates in history books. If you asked me yesterday what was the date John F. Kennedy Jr died, I couldn't tell you the year or how. Louise Owens one of the people covered on 60 minutes, not only was she able to remember July 16, 1999 was the day Kennedy Jr died in a plane crash, Owen can also recall: "It was also the day 'The Iceman Cometh' closed on Broadway. I remember trying to get a rush ticket for the final performance."Owen can also recall: "It was also the day 'The Iceman Cometh' closed on Broadway. I remember trying to get a rush ticket for the final performance." Louis Owens who is 37 years old, remember a day 24 years ago when she was 13 and had to change schools, she remembered it so well that all the emotions she had came back as well, and even at 37 years old she still cried just as she did at 13. January 2, 1990 he was able to remember the 1st day of a jogging class she started that morning, so much in detail she remember the coaching telling her keep going don't stop. You want one better??? Louise Owens was asked in 1990 it rained several days where you lived, can you name them? Sure enough Owens answered "Let's see, it was slightly rainy and cloudy on January 14, 15. It was very hot the weekend of THE 27th, 28th-- NO RAIN. It rained very hard on Sunday, February 4. After pulling weather record on all them days she was correct on every one of them. So what do doctors say about this??? Surprisingly there is only one doctor who actually discovered and study this matter and that is doctor James McGaugh, a professor of neurobiology at the university of California, Irvine, and a renowned expert on memory. " These people remember things that you and I couldn't possibly remember There's no tricks to it." Dr. McGaugh saids, "They can do with their memories what you and I can do about yesterday." I'm no Dr. McGaugh or neurologist but to understand this more, you have to know how are memories works, the events in our life that brings about the most emotions is typically the ones we can really remember, like losing a love one, the date of 9/11, first born child, and etc, as Dr. McGaugh support this by saying "Adrenaline makes are mind remember better. When we experience something emotional, positive or negative, our bodies release adrenine, searing those memories into our brains more strongly." So what effects in science could this new discovery have Dr. McGaugh think it can be a new chapter. Scientists tell us the potential is enormous, but the inquiry is just beginning. Marilu Hanner famous actress from the old show 'Taxi' is one of the 6 known case who was also on 60 minutes and is a real good friend of Lesley Stahl. Marilu Hanner was able to recall 18 years ago where her and Lesley Stahl meet up and had lunch, exactly the day of the week it was, and even What they had to eat. "It's like putting in a DVD and it cues up to certain places," Henner said. "I am there again . . . seeing things visually as I would have that day. Henner even have the ability to remember when she got every pair of shoes she own, and the first time she wore each pair. For what it's worth out of the 6 cases the 3 men are all left handers, and what else do they have in common. Scientist say all these people they love to collect things, they have to have things in the in just the right order. What makes these people memory so much different from what we would call 'normal' people memory is, remember that adrenaline we talked about earlier that makes us think better, these people don't need that, they can remember ordinary things, and non-emotional events the rest of us routinely forget. Sports fan remember special games, and special highlights that changed a game, or a sport. thing that rock the sports world. Bob petrella who is a Pittsburgh Steelers fan and one of the handful with this gift can remember every game. He was able to go back 19 season to recall the last time the Washington Redskins beat the Steelers, he was even able to remember, the NFL week and date of the Steelers bye week in 1991. When asked what was the last 2 games Steelers played in '79, Petrella answer " The 22nd, They Played DENVER ON Monday night, and I think they won 42 to seven, oh then they played Dallas on October 28, Sunday it was on cbs. Believe it or not he was even able to remember plays, "Staubach was greenwood just slammed right into him, it was in the 4th quarter. I remember staubach just sitting on the bench, you could tell he was out of it." Man that amazing, the question I have for you is, would you like to possess this ability, skill, or way of life. To me, remembering everything can't be good, think about it, if we remembered everything, will there be a such thing as thinking? Since thinking is a way of exercising the brain, and helping the brain grow would that be a good ability to have? What kind of effect would it have on the mind? Well these people say it something they thankful for, and enjoyed having. What about you????
There's no better way to evaluate your mind and thought process then to write stuff out, Sometimes you realize how fucking stupid you are, other times you realize, HOLY SHIT! I got something good here.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
You Got Housewives of a City, Basketball wives, Football wives And Now Baseball???
I never watch these shows, but I guess they must be bringing in the rating, and making good money, because they doing it again only this time with baseball, yes you heard correct BASEBALL! The show has the working title of Cleat Chasers and casting is in full swing by Get Some Media. A source familiar with the production has said it will feature women who know every trick to score with the pros.“It’s a reality show about girls who stop at nothing to score with athletes while they are away from their wives and girlfriends during baseball spring training,” a source close to casting told RadarOnline.com exclusively. “It’s about girls that have gone pro in the sport of ‘cleat chasing.’” The show will likely be held in Scottsdale, Ariz., where the World Champion San Francisco Giants train, though there are a host of other teams nearby.I actually find the whole psychology of groupies and why they act the way they do as a potentially interesting story seeing it and living it with my celebraty friends. Something tells me, however, that this show won’t get too terribly deep, being a baseball player and knowing that they are a lot of differences then your other typical pro athlete when it comes to 'groupie love', and will aim more to attract viewers with the promise of naming famous players to get someone in trouble and sharing sordid tales of their exploits. Stay tuned … or don’t, I can tell you I won't.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Who Will Win Wild Card Week and Why.
Jets@Colts/ This game is a toss up. Giving the jets have a better record, people feel that they are the better team. Problem is the jets have 11 wins, only 3 of them wins came against teams that was .500 or better. The Colt on the other hand manage to get 10 wins this year wit a team that was hit really hard by injury. One man, Peyton Manning carried this time like he does every year, it may not had been pretty as some of the previous years but when you have to play with 2 recievers and a tight end that was never projected to be more than just practice players until this year, no run game, and a mediocre defense 10 win is a HUGE number. Because of the huge setback in a Jets run game, Jets run game will be the determining factor in this game. To win playoff games on the road, you have to be able to run the football, especially against the Colts, to keep "18" off the field. I have the Colts taking this game for the simple fact, I don't think the Jets will be able to run the football against the Colts D and that front line, Jets have a tough D but it's Peyton Manning, and they have not won against good times often enough.
Ravens@Chiefs/ The Ravens was a team that was 1 game away from a #2 seed, as bad as I don't like them, I believe they will go to KC and win this football game. Defense, defense, defense is the reason why, KC has the top rushing offense in the NFL, Ravens have the #5 Rush D in the league be that as it may I give the Ravens D the edge, The determine factor in this game will be the Ravens running game, once again to win on the road you have to be able to control the game by running the football, and keeping the opposing offense of the field.
Saints@Seahawks/ This is going to be, in my opinion the least competeive game this weekend, Grant it the Seahawks won their Division and deserve to be in the playoffs, they don't stand a chance against the saints and Drew Brees. Their out matched everywhere in this game, you can likely see a blow out.
Packers@Eagles/ This is probably going to be the best game this weekend. I know everybody is on the Vick wagon, and everybody think this is going to be a Eagles win, but I must tell you the Packers offense can be just explosive as the Eagles, and the fact that the packer has a better D than the Eagles is the reason i'm going to say the Packers win this game. Look Vick has had a MVP type of year, but the last week he played he was exposed, against the giants he was contained, so it obviously ways to contain Mike Vick. I think the Packers D will be able to contain Mike Vick, and thats why in this game they are the difference makers. You stop Mike Vick, you beat the Eagles.
John G. Dunn II
Ravens@Chiefs/ The Ravens was a team that was 1 game away from a #2 seed, as bad as I don't like them, I believe they will go to KC and win this football game. Defense, defense, defense is the reason why, KC has the top rushing offense in the NFL, Ravens have the #5 Rush D in the league be that as it may I give the Ravens D the edge, The determine factor in this game will be the Ravens running game, once again to win on the road you have to be able to control the game by running the football, and keeping the opposing offense of the field.
Saints@Seahawks/ This is going to be, in my opinion the least competeive game this weekend, Grant it the Seahawks won their Division and deserve to be in the playoffs, they don't stand a chance against the saints and Drew Brees. Their out matched everywhere in this game, you can likely see a blow out.
Packers@Eagles/ This is probably going to be the best game this weekend. I know everybody is on the Vick wagon, and everybody think this is going to be a Eagles win, but I must tell you the Packers offense can be just explosive as the Eagles, and the fact that the packer has a better D than the Eagles is the reason i'm going to say the Packers win this game. Look Vick has had a MVP type of year, but the last week he played he was exposed, against the giants he was contained, so it obviously ways to contain Mike Vick. I think the Packers D will be able to contain Mike Vick, and thats why in this game they are the difference makers. You stop Mike Vick, you beat the Eagles.
John G. Dunn II
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Marvin Lewis Return Is A HUGE Step in a Very Important Off-Season For the Bengals.
So as the Bengals and Marvin Lewis came to agreement yesterday afternoon, I couldn't help but think of how important this was to be able to even have a mere of confidence going into this off season with 13 starters being free agents, and the 2011 football season. The press conference was short and to the point, Marvin and Mike Brown was like tag team champ fighting together and backing each other against every question that was raised to them, which is a good sign. Another good sign for Bengals fans, is that Mike Brown seems to be committed to winning, Brown expressed confidence the Bengals would play so well in 2011 that he’d extend Lewis for even more years. Nobody, not even me expected Marvin to return to Cincinnati after 2010, they wasn't even sure if you ask me, it took three meetings Tuesday to come to a decision. I think it safe to say this was a shocker to most, so why???? Mike brown said " I think it give us the best shot to be the team we want to be." Marvin Lewis seem to be happy with the agreements the two had made. "I'm excited to have the ability to take this team where I want it." he also said that he felt it was rather important for this not to drag out, "I didn't want this dark cloud hanging over our players, and that's what people was trying to do, saying I was coming to my last weeks of my career here." As for Marvin control over Player and coaching personnel, let him tell it he was fine with the amount of control he had in personnel and coaching decisions stating "I never said I wanted or needed more control, I don't know where that came from, I never once got up here and said those words are anything close to it. Mike has the last say, there is no middle man I go through, and most the time he agrees with me, when we disagree I tell him why I feel the way I do and we go from there." Mike Brown Supported Marvin following " Marvin has a stronger voice on personnel than any other coach in the NFL. People don't know because they don't see us interact." Mike Brown also made it clear that the perception we, the fan had on him as a controlling maniac was wrong, " I'm not running like a dictatorship here, there are very little differences between us, it's not like Marvin a puppet and I'm dictating everything, it's not like that." As for personnel and coaching changes that can possibly be made, Marvin and Mike Brown was real careful and against answering any question about changes being made, so much that they got frustrated at Dave Lapham who was determined to get something out of them. Every other question he ask was about personnel changes. "Dave, you really need to let that go, your not going to get anything here." said Marvin. Mike Brown followed up saying, " You keep asking, and you keep getting the same answer, we're not here for that. The first order of business was getting things settled with Marvin, we did that now we'll get to the rest of the Staff, and then go down the list." They did talk about other things in the press conference, like the team that they currently had, and the guys they knew was coming back. Also about scouting department, which Mike Brown said was fine, giving the statistic that the Bengals was in the top 10 of players playing with the team which they we're drafted by. When Mike Brown was asked about the spike in ticket sales, and all the season ticket holders and luxury box holder he would lose, and how would he handle that he stated "You go out on the field and win games, that's how you fill the seats. Win and the people will come." When asked about a practice facility, which everybody know Marvin has been asking about, Brown said " It's not that I don't have a desire for a practice facility, there just more important things on the agenda right now, but it's coming." They didn't give a lot to reporters, and writers about personnel, it seem that's what everybody wanted to know about, not the contract extension on Marvin Lewis. Lewis did say " We have a nucleus of the right guys, we need to build around it, and we will. We're going to go to work getting to know some the new prospect, since we're not coaching in the playoffs." I personally took a lot of good out of this Press conference, In my opinion this was a huge step in the right direction, I have only one wish from the Bengals, that is that they get rid of Bob Bratkowski, not sure how likely that is with him being a Mike Brown guy. With all the possible free agents the Bengals has, 13 being starter, if they support Marvin the way they said they did Sunday and Monday, then bringing him back, will make it a little easier to get some these guys back, which is a good thing, given the fact that it practically impossible to get free agents here. The next few months leading up to draft is going to be interesting, I agree with Marvin when he said " I can't wait to get through the playoff and Crown a Champion so we can all go back to 0-0, and get this off season underway." To all the fans I must end with this, we didn't get much information on Personnel but I did get that CARSON PALMER WILL BE THE QB OF THE CINCINNATI BENGALS IN 2011.
John G. Dunn II
John G. Dunn II
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